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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
JSR 102: JDOM 1.0
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead. JCP version in use: 2.1 Java Specification Participation Agreement version in use: 1.0 Description: JDOM is a way to represent an XML document for easy and efficient reading, manipulation, and writing. Please direct comments on this JSR to the Spec Lead(s) Team
This JSR has been Withdrawn
Identification |
Request |
Contributions |
Additional Information
Submitting Member: Jason Hunter Name of Contact Person: Jason Hunter E-Mail Address: jsr102_AT_servlets.com Telephone Number: (650) 938-2824 Fax Number: (650) 938-2824 Specification Lead: Jason Hunter E-Mail Address: jsr102_AT_servlets.com Telephone Number: (650) 938-2824 Fax Number: (650) 938-2824 Initial Expert Group Membership: People and organizations who have agreed to join before the CAFE:
Section 2: Request
JDOM 1.0 will define an API for easy and efficient reading, manipulation,
and writing of XML documents and XML data. JDOM is already a popular open source
product in beta release at http://jdom.org, and
with this JSR we hope to define its final 1.0 form. Among the goals for the
JDOM JSR: Nearly all these goals are satisfied in the latest JDOM snapshot. What remains
to be done is clarifying how entities are to work, checking for overlooked requirements,
polishing rough areas in the API, and getting additional industry buy-in. This facility is targeted for use by the Java 2 Standard Edition and Java 2
Enterprise Edition platforms. This will create a model for interacting with XML data that is optimized for
the Java environment. The "Quotes" page at http://jdom.org/docs/quotes.html
shows how the beta releases has addressed the Java community's needs. The most similar existing specification is the DOM. Compared to the DOM, JDOM
is easier to use, on many tasks requires less memory and performs faster, has
more natural handling of namespaces, and at runtime fully
ensures documents are well formed. JDOM can read and write DOM to support
applications depending on DOM. Another similar specification is SAX. Compared to SAX, JDOM allows random access
to XML data as well as manipulation and output of the XML data. JDOM can read
and write SAX events to support applications depending on SAX. XML is the meta language defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that
can be used to describe a broad range of hierarchical mark up languages. It
is a set of rules, guidelines, and conventions for describing XML Namespaces define the syntax and semantics for XML structures required
to be distinct from other XML markup. In particular it defines a mechanism whereby
a set of XML markup may have a distinguishing The Simple API for XML (SAX) is a public domain API developed cooperatively
by the members of the XML-DEV mailing list. It provides an event-driven (sometimes
referred to as a callback-style) interface to the process of parsing an XML
document. It is anticipated that this specification will endorse version 2.0
of the API. The Document Object Model (DOM) describes facilities for a programmatic representation
of a parsed XML document. The DOM specification defines these interfaces using
Interface Definition Language (IDL) in a language independent fashion and also
includes a Java Language Binding. It is anticipated that this specification
will endorse Level 2 of the specification. The Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) defines a set of implementation independent
portable APIs to support XML processing. It is anticipated that this specification
will endorse version 1.1 of the API. Currently the packages are defined in No. No. XML itself was designed from the ground up to address such issues. A requirement
of the proposed specification is that it preserve the inherent internationalizability
of XML and related technologies. No. Initiation: Februrary 2001 Further schedule will depend on the review process.
Section 3: Contributions
The JDOM website (http://jdom.org) contains a
pre-release implementation, API Javadocs, a technical FAQ, as well as links
to JavaWorld articles and conference slides describing the technology. The existing JDOM library will be the starting point for this JSR.
Section 4: Additional Information (Optional)
Although I'm the Apache Executive Committee representative, I submit this JSR
as an individual because JDOM is not an Apache project. In making this proposal
I do have the support of my employer (CollabNet), as well as the co-creator
of JDOM (Brett McLaughlin) and the 950 developers on the jdom-interest mailing
list at jdom.org. |