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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
JSR 266: Unified Message Box Access API (UMBA-API)
JCP version in use: 2.6 Java Specification Participation Agreement version in use: 2.0 Description: The purpose of this JSR is to define an API to access and manage the message boxes of the mobile device and their content. Please direct comments on this JSR to the Spec Lead(s) Team
This JSR has been Dormant The following information has been updated from the original JSR: 2009.07.06: The Maintenance Lead changed to Sun Microsystems. Specification Lead: Michael Lagally E-Mail Address: michael.lagally@sun.com Telephone Number: +49 89 46008 1499 Fax Number: - 2007.04.11: Jim Lee is the current temporarily acting Spec Lead. The following updates were made to the original request: 2005.10.18: The Spec Lead was changed from Siemens AG to BenQ Corporation. Original Java Specification Request (JSR)
Identification |
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Additional Information
Section 1. Identification Submitting Member: Siemens AG Name of Contact Person: Michael Lagally E-Mail Address: michael.lagally@siemens.com Telephone Number: +49 89 722 22579 Fax Number: +49 89 722 35087 Specification Lead: Michael Lagally E-Mail Address: michael.lagally@siemens.com Telephone Number: +49 89 722 22579 Fax Number: +49 89 722 35087 Initial Expert Group Membership: Siemens Supporting this JSR: Siemens Section 2: Request
2.1 Please describe the proposed Specification:Mobile devices collect input and output messages into so called "input- and output-boxes". The realization of these "boxes" is indeed implementation dependent, but they are found in all mobile devices. The word message here stands for short messages (SMS), multimedia messages (MMS), email, ring tones, bitmaps, Vcards, etc. These messages enter and leave the "boxes" via voice and data connections (GSM, GPSR, WLAN, BT, etc ). Although some J2ME optional packages define APIs to send and transmit certain types of messages (SMS in JSR120) and (MMS via JSR205), there is no way to access and manage the message boxes, and their content from a Java application.
The JSR API will include methods for:
- Read, write, copy, move and delete contents. - Access the attributes of a message. (read/unread status, sender/recipient address) - Registering listeners to be notified about modifications to the message box. (message sent, message received, message attribute changed) It is expected, that not all implementations will provide full access, to actively manipulate the message box contents via this API. Some applications will benefit only from a passive, read only access to the message box.
This API will be agnostic to the type of message box and the content of the message box; it will allow to access every kind of entry that is available in the device's message boxes. These are typically short messages (SMS), multimedia messages (MMS), email, ring tones, calendar entries, address book entries, bitmaps and also future message contents and formats. 2.2 What is the target Java platform? (i.e., desktop, server, personal, embedded, card, etc.)The target Java platform is the J2ME. This optional package will run on both configurations CDC and CLDC. 2.3 The Executive Committees would like to ensure JSR submitters think about how their proposed technology relates to all of the Java platform editions. Please provide details here for which platform editions are being targeted by this JSR, and how this JSR has considered the relationship with the other platform editions.This API targets J2ME. 2.4 Should this JSR be voted on by both Executive Committees?No 2.5 What need of the Java community will be addressed by the proposed specification?This JSR specifies an optional package for J2ME, which defines an API to manage the message boxes of the mobile device and access the message box content. This API will allow 3rd party developers to write java applications, which can access and control all message boxes of the underlying platform in a unified way. 2.6 Why isn't this need met by existing specifications?The existing optional packages that allow to send and receive certain message types, e.g. JSR120 and 205 (Wireless Messaging) for SMS and MMS, or JSR 82 for Bluetooth don?t provide means to access the stored message content on the device's message boxes. 2.7 Please give a short description of the underlying technology or technologies:This JSR focuses on the definition of an API that interacts with the platform's message boxes. It will provide access to the features of the native message boxes as available on the platform. Depending on the capabilities of the device, this will be SMS and MMS messaging, email, messaging via Bluetooth and IrDA. 2.8 Is there a proposed package name for the API Specification? (i.e., javapi.something, org.something, etc.)Package: javax.microedition.messagebox 2.9 Does the proposed specification have any dependencies on specific operating systems, CPUs, or I/O devices that you know of?None 2.10 Are there any security issues that cannot be addressed by the current security model?No 2.11 Are there any internationalization or localization issues?No 2.12 Are there any existing specifications that might be rendered obsolete, deprecated, or in need of revision as a result of this work?No 2.13 Please describe the anticipated schedule for the development of this specification.Expert Group Formation: Q1 2005 2.14 Please describe the anticipated working model for the Expert Group working on developing this specification.It is anticipated that a combination of email discussion, feedback on regular drafts, conference calls and face-to-face meetings will work well. 2.15 It is important to the success of the community and each JSR that the work of the Expert Group be handled in a manner which provides the community and the public with insight into the work the Expert Group is doing, and the decisions that the Expert Group has made. The Executive Committees would like to ensure Spec Leads understand the value of this transparency and ask that each JSR have an operating plan in place for how their JSR will address the involvement of the community and the public. Please provide your plan here, and refer to the Spec Lead Guide for a more detailed description and a set of example questions you may wish to answer in your plan.The expert group will remain open for new nominations until Early Draft Review (EDR). 2.16 Please describe how the RI and TCK will de delivered, i.e. as part of a profile or platform edition, or stand-alone, or both. Include version information for the profile or platform in your answer.Due to the optional package character of this request, RI and TCK will be delivered as standalone products. 2.17 Please state the rationale if previous versions are available stand-alone and you are now proposing in 2.13 to only deliver RI and TCK as part of a profile or platform edition (See sections 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 of the JCP 2 document).N/A 2.18 Please provide a description of the business terms for the Specification, RI and TCK that will apply when this JSR is final.We will license to all interested parties. Section 3: Contributions
3.1 Please list any existing documents, specifications, or implementations that describe the technology. Please include links to the documents if they are publicly available.
- JSR 36: Connected Device Configuration (CDC) - JSR 37: Mobile Information Device Profile 1.0 (MIDP) - JSR 118: Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0 (MIDP) - JSR 120: Wireless Messaging API - JSR 139: Connected, Limited Device Configuration Specification (CLDC 1.1) - JSR 205: Wireless Messaging API 2.0 - JSR 211: Content-Handler API 3.2 Explanation of how these items might be used as a starting point for the work.Due to the optional package character of the request, considerable cross references towards configurations and profiles the package is based on are expected. Section 4: Additional Information (Optional)
4.1 This section contains any additional information that the submitting Member wishes to include in the JSR.