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Status: Maintenance
JCP version in use: 2.6
Java Specification Participation Agreement version in use: 2.0
The Connected Device Configuration (CDC) provides the basis of the JavaTM 2 platform, Micro Edition for devices that have a sufficient 32-bit microprocessor and ample memory.
Please direct comments on this JSR to the Spec Lead(s)
Jon Courtney |
Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
Ajile Systems |
Liberate Technologies |
Nokia Corporation |
Samsung Electronics Corporation |
Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
Symbian Ltd |
WindRiver Systems |
Notice: Please be aware, this JSR has been replaced (superseded) by a newer JSR, (JSR 218). JSR 36 cannot be used/referenced for Java certifications. All development and certification efforts should be updated to use the current, supported technology.
Updates to the Original JSR
This JSR was completed under JCP 2.1, and moved to JCP 2.6 during Maintenance.
Specification Lead Jon Courtney
e-mail address: jonathan.courtney@sun.com
Telephone: +1 214 693 3327
Fax: +1 972 235 5727
2005.12.08: The name of this JSR was changed from "J2METM Connected Device Configuration".
Original Java Specification Request (JSR)
Identification |
Request |
Section 1: Identification
Submitting Participant:
Sun Microsystems |
Name of Contact Person: |
Kevin Russell |
E-Mail Address: |
Kevin.Russell@eng.sun.com |
Telephone Number: |
408 863 3168 |
Fax Number: |
503 296 2034 |
Participants who endorse this JSR:
- Alcatel
- America Online (AOL)
- Philips
- Samsung
- Siemens
Section 2: Request
2.1 Please describe the
proposed Specification: |
The J2ME Connected
Device Configuration provides the basis of the Java 2
Platform, Micro Edition in devices characterized as follows:
- 512K minimum ROM available
- 256K minimum RAM available
- Connectivity to some type of network.
Supporting a complete implementation
of the Java Virtual Machine as defined in the Java
Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd Edition.
- User interfaces with varying degrees
of sophistication down to and including none may be supported by this
configuration specification.
TV set-top boxes, web enabled phones, and car
entertainment/navigation systems are some, but not all,
of the devices that may be supported by this configuration
The J2ME Connected
Device Configuration will define the minimum required complement of Java Technology
components and API's for connected devices. Supported APIs, application
life-cycle, security
model, and code installation are the
primary topics to be addressed by this specification.
For devices with less resources than
this configuration requires please see JSR-000030
[J2ME Connected, Limited Device Configuration].
2.2 What is the target Java
platform? |
Java 2 Micro
Edition |
2.3 What need of the Java
community will be addressed by the proposed
specification? |
Provide a standard Java 2 Micro Edition
configuration for connected devices. |
2.4 Why isn't this need met by
existing specifications? |
Existing platforms and
specifications are targeted at devices equipped with more
memory, more powerful networking capabilities and more capable
user interfaces, typically desktop computers. |
2.5 Please give a short
description of the underlying technology or
technologies: |
See section 2.1 for expected
underlying device technologies. |
2.6 Is there a proposed package
name for the API Specification? (i.e.,
javapi.something, org.something,
com.something, etc.) |
N/A |
2.7 Does the proposed
specification have any dependencies on specific operating
systems, CPUs, or I/O devices that you know of? |
No. |
2.8 Are there any security
issues that cannot be addressed by the current security
model? |
None identified at this
time. |
2.9 Are there any
internationalization or localization issues? |
Requirements to be
researched by the expert group developing this
specification. |
2.10 Are there any existing
specifications that might be rendered obsolete, deprecated, or
in need of revision as a result of this work? |
No. |
Section 3: Contributions
There is a whitepaper describing J2ME
where configurations and profiles are defined:
The J2ME whitepaper provides a
framework for defining the goals and scope of the
specification. |