Standard Edition (Java SE)
Enterprise Edition
Executive Committee
Apache Sofware Foundation, Geir Magnusson
Eclipse Foundation, Inc., Mike Milinkovitch
Ericsson AB, Jens Jensen
Fujitsu Limited, Makiko Shimamura
Google, Josh Bloch
HP, Scott Jameson
IBM, Mark Thomas
Intel, Wayne Carr
Werner Keil
Doug Lea
Nortel Networks, Bryn Rahm
Oracle, Don Deutsch
Red Hat Middleware LLC, Sacha Labourey
SAP, Michael Bechauf
SpringSource, Rod Johnson
Sun Microsystems, Danny Coward
The Java Community Process (JCP) program is overseen by two elected Executive Committees (ECs), which pay close attention to the development of Java Specification Requests (JSRs) and resulting Application Program Interfaces (APIs), Reference Implementations (RIs), and Technology Compatibility Kits (TCKs). One EC looks out for the interests of the Java Standard Edition (SE)/Enterprise Edition (EE) technology and community, and the other does the same for the Java Micro Edition (ME) technology and community. Representatives who serve on these committees often have a say in other standards bodies as well, which enhances cross-industry communication and agreement.
Apache Software Foundation, Geir Magnusson
Before joining Intel, Geir Magnusson Jr was VP of Products for Gluecode Software, he was a founding partner of 4 Quarters, LLC, a boutique enterprise system integration technology concern, the VP Development and Chief Architect of Adetpra, Inc., managing a distributed team of developers delivering distributed workflow and notification products to the worlds top-tier credit-card and travel services companies. He has served as CTO for a fitness and rehab technology company, and led the development of Bloombergs worldwide elementized data distribution system. He is currently a Director of the Apache Software Foundation, as well as the Chairman of the Apache Geronimo project, which he helped found. He holds degrees in Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.
Eclipse Foundation Inc., Mike Milinkovich
Mike is the Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation supporting the Eclipse open-source community and commercial ecosystem. With over 160 corporate members worldwide and over 80 projects comprised of almost 900 developers, Eclipse is one of the world's most successful open source communities. Primarily focused on Java implementations, Eclipse's projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle. A large, vibrant ecosystem of major technology vendors, innovative start-ups, universities and research institutions and individuals extend, complement and support the Eclipse platform.
Mike has been contributing to the technology industry for over twenty years as a senior software industry executive with both hands-on and leadership experience in all aspects of the business including: engineering, development management, product management, training and services, business development, marketing, mergers and acquisitions, and intellectual property management and licensing. Most recently a vice president in Oracle's Development Group, Mike led the Application Server Technical Services team, a group of highly technical experts who support Oracle's application server strategic customers and partners.
Prior to joining Oracle, Mike was with WebGain where he was Vice President of Worldwide Services and President of WebGain Canada. Other experiences include: The Object People which did worldwide technology consulting and training; Object Technology International where he held various roles in software engineering, product management and business development; and IBM, where Mike was responsible for worldwide product marketing of a major IBM software product line and technical strategy for their VisualAge for Java tools product.
Mike earned his Masters of Science degree in Information and Systems Sciences and a Bachelor of Commerce degree from
Carleton University. He lives in Ottawa, Canada.
Ericsson AB, Jens Jensen
Jens is an Expert in Open Platform Architectures and has been working with Java since 1997 and Java in clustered high availability platforms since 2000. He is the specification lead for JSR 319, Availability Management for Java. He is also an evangelist for the use of Java in the telecom industry through the industry forums SCOPE, an industry alliance committed to accelerating the deployment of standardized platforms, and Service Availability Forum (SAF), a consortium developing HA interface specifications. Within SAF he is the main driver for adapting SAF APIs to effectively support integration with Java.
Fujitsu Ltd., Makiko Shimamura
Google, Joshua Bloch
Joshua Bloch is Chief Java Architect at Google, author of the Jolt Award-winning "Effective Java" (Addison-Wesley, 2001), and coauthor of "Java Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases" (Addison-Wesley, 2005). He was previously a Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems, where he led the design and implementation of numerous Java platform features including JDK 5.0 language enhancements and the Java Collections Framework. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie-Mellon University and a B.S. in Computer Science from Columbia.
HP, Scott Jameson
Scott Jameson has served as Hewlett-Packard's principal representative on the SE/EE EC since April, 2001. Jameson is director of standards strategy in the HP Software CTO office and has participated in many standardization activities since 1978. He has served as a representative to numerous standards organizations in his career and is currently chairman of ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information Technology. Scott says, "We've long been an advocate of a more open and transparent JCP. In a similar vein, we welcome Sun's announcement of their intention to open-source Java. We look forward to working with the rest of the EC members to ensure the JCP meets the needs of this new paradigm."
IBM, Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas is the director of Java Technologies and SOA Design Centers in IBM Software Group's Strategy and Technology division. Mark leads the development teams responsible for providing IBM software developer kits for Java technology. He has management responsibility for a broad range of Java SE-based components that provide the foundation for many of IBM's software offerings. Mark also has business responsibility for IBM's worldwide development centers delivering Service Oriented Architecture assets in support of client engagements.
His software product development experience includes graphics, terminal emulation software, windowing systems, message queueing, transaction processing, computer-aided telephony, voice response systems, print and printer management, embedded controllers and Java technologies. He represents IBM on the JCP program's SE/EE EC.
Mark holds a doctorate in solid-state chemistry from Oxford University. He has represented IBM on a variety of UK and US professional boards, including the UK Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, the British Computer Society Engineering & Technology Strategic Panel, and the Colorado Advanced Software Institute.
Intel, Wayne Carr
Wayne Carr is an architect in Intel's Software & Services Group.
Wayne has coordinated Intel's JCP participation since 2002. In that time Intel has participated in 25 JSRs. Wayne was a member of the JSR 270 Java SE 6, JSR 250 Common Annotations and (in its early days) the JSR 277 Java Modules Expert Groups. Wayne served for a year on the JCP Java ME Executive Committee and has served on the JCP SE/EE Executive Committee since December 2004. In the Executive Committees, Wayne has focused on making JCP more transparent and open with a particular interest in open source and ensuring fairness for Independent Implementations. Wayne won the JCP's Participant of the Year award in 2007, the first year that award was given out. Wayne is also Intel's W3C Advisory Committee rep, coordinates Intel's W3C participation. In other standards work, Wayne has participated in the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), IETF, ATVEF, ATSC and other standards organizations. In his 20+ years in software engineering, Wayne has worked on operating systems, networking, multimedia, advanced robotics research, TV set-top software and video conferencing.
Werner Keil
Werner Keil is currently Java EE Architect and Consultant for Daimler after having worked for companies like Nokia, BEA/Oracle, Capita or Legal & General.
He has worked for more than 18 years as project manager, software architect, analyst and consultant on leading-edge technologies for Banking, Insurance, Telco/Mobile, Media and Public sector.
Among his earlier clients are Sony where Werner designed and implemented micro-format based tags for Sony Music.
He develops enterprise systems using Java, JEE, Oracle or IBM, does Web design and development using Adobe, Ajax/JavaScript or dynamic languages like Ruby, PHP, etc.
Besides work for major companies he runs his own creative, talent and consulting agency Creative Arts & Technologies. In his spare time, Mr. Keil runs and supports open-source projects, writes song lyrics, novels, screenplays and technical articles.
He is committing member of the Eclipse Foundation and Java Community Process, including his role as JSR-275 Spec Lead and Executive Committee Member(SE/EE).
Doug Lea
Doug Lea is a professor of Computer Science at the State University of New York at Oswego. He is author of the book Concurrent Programming in Java and co-author of the textbook Object-Oriented System Development. He is the author of several widely used software packages and components, as well as articles, reports, and standardization efforts dealing with object-oriented software development, including those on specification, design and implementation techniques, distributed, concurrent, and parallel object systems, and software reusability. Within the JCP, Doug was the Spec Lead for JSR 166, Concurrency Utilities, and has served as an Expert Group member on most JSRs dealing with core Java SE for the past five years. His main goal in serving on the SE/EE EC is to ensure technical excellence as the platform continues to evolve.
Nortel Networks, Bryn Rahm
Bryn Rahm is a 17 year veteran of Nortel where is has worked on a number of different telecom and internet related projects. Bryn began working with Java in the 1.0 (Beta2) timeframe, and in the intervening time has coded, architected and evangalized the use of Java within Nortel in a number of different products.
This has led to a profound appreciation of breadth and quality of Java's API and the challenges in the usage of Java in a soft realtime environment. Bryn looks forward to leveraging this experience in helping to influence the future of the Java industry.
Oracle, Don Deutsch
With 30 years in the Information Technology industry, Dr. Don Deutsch is currently vice president, Standards Strategy and Architecture for Oracle Corporation. Don represents Oracle on the INCITS Executive Board, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Board of Directors, the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Advisory Board, and the JCP SE/EE EC. Don was president of the Enterprise Grid Alliance, a consortium focusing on accelerating the application of Grid technology in commercial and public sector data centers, and he served as chair of the JTC 1 Web Services Study Group. ANSI recognized Don for his leadership of national and international information technology standardization as the 2002 recipient of the Edward Lohse Information Technology Medal. Don has published numerous articles and papers, and co-authored an undergraduate textbook on Database Concepts. The National Bureau of Standards published his doctoral research on Modeling and Measurement of Database Management Systems.
Red Hat Middleware LLC, Sacha Labourey
Sacha Labourey is CTO of Red Hat Middleware LLC and was an early contributor to the JBoss AS clustering project. He currently represents Red Hat Middleware LLC on the SE/EE EC. He views Java technology as an exemplary case where a single company, Sun Microsystems, has successfully put in place the conditions required to build an innovative multi-billion dollar, multi-vendor ecosystem. In that regard, the JCP plays a central role and Sacha hopes to see the number of participants in the JCP grow even more to make sure the needs of the Java community are still strongly represented, and do not simply represent the interests of its biggest vendors. He says, "While the balance is not always easy to find, Sun has done a pretty good job at stewarding Java. Furthermore, Sun's recent announcement towards a broader openness is also a great step in a good direction."
SAP, Michael Bechauf
SAP is the world's leading provider of business software, with over 34,600 customers in more than 120 countries running SAP applications. As vice president of industry standards, Michael Bechauf is responsible for defining SAP's standards strategy. In 2001, SAP joined the JCP program, and in 2002 Michael became SAP's primary representative on the SE/EE EC. SAP engineers have participated in over 50 JSRs, including JSR 198, JSR 208, JSR 222, JSR 224, JSR 255, and JSR 265.
While serving on the EC, Michael represented SAP in actively working with other leaders in the Java technology industry to guide the future success of the Java platform. For example, Michael discussed issues related to the complexity of the Java language, he facilitated dialogue with communities outside of the JCP program, such as the Eclipse Foundation, and he engaged in hot technical topics such as the comparison of the persistence model of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3 and Java Data Objects (JDO).
SpringSource, Rod Johnson
Rod Johnson has served as CEO of SpringSource since the company's inception and has more than 12 years of technology and management experience. Rod is one of the world's leading authorities on enterprise Java development. Rod conceived of and initiated the development of Spring. The Spring Portfolio of open source projects was based on the code published with Rod's best-selling Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (2002). Rod has specialized in server-side Java since 1996 across a wide range of industries. Rod's hands-on experience has led him to see problems from a client's perspective as well as a technology perspective, and has driven his influential criticism of bloated, inefficient, orthodox approaches to J2EE architecture.`
Sun Microsystems, Inc., Danny Coward
Danny Coward is Platform Lead for Java SE. He has been an active contributor to the JCP and to Java Platform development since 1999. He has initiated and led several important technologies in each of the three Java Platforms Java EE, Java SE and Java ME, and contributed as an expert group member on a number of other JSRs. He is a strong advocate for the JCP as the primary forum for producing compatible standards for the Java ecosystem, balancing the frequently conflicting forces of the inclusion of all viewpoints with the timley production of market-relevant technology. Danny holds a bachelors degree in Mathematics and doctorate in Number Theory from the University of Oxford.