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Hello, world!
I'm pleased and honored to be the Chair of the Java Community Process - your friendly, neighborhood standards organization. Standards are important - they make the world go round. |
Without standards you wouldn't be able to mail a letter or send an email message, drive a car or take an airplane trip, shop for food in a supermarket, obtain medical treatment in a hospital, watch TV or movies, enjoy a sports game, or do any of the other things that the modern world offers. As we all know, Java also makes the world go round. The JCP's community-driven, collaborative standards development process is the foundation of Java's success and ubiquity. Thank you all for your hard work and participation in the past, and I look forward to working with you in the future. Since it's election time at the JCP your participation can start right now. If you haven't already done so, please visit the election web site and cast your votes.
Patrick Curran
Director JCP Program, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Chair of the JCP
Patrick blogs at http://blogs.sun.com/pcurran/ and maintains a regular column - JSR Watch - in JDJ Magazine. Here is the latest one: From the New Chair of the JCP, Time for Introductions
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Find out more about the latest happenings and announcements in the
JCP program, by visiting the front page of jcp.org.
Some recent JCP-related news items are listed below. |
- The JCP (Java Community Process) Executive Committee elections are currently taking place http://javaposse.com link to http://www.jcpelection2007.org/jcp/overview
- Java EE6, Multimedia, Clientside Java, Transparency, Openness and JCP Event in Munich
"At the 17th August in Munich there was a JCP-Roundtable Event with some luminaries ..."
- Java EE 6...and JCP Event in Munich
As Adam Bien's blog mentions (see item and link above) EC members met with press, analysts and JUG developers in Munich in August. Here's an article that resulted from the interview Onno Kluyt gave Franz Graser, senior reporter, Computerzeitung.
"Offenheit ist Erfolgsgarant fur Java"
(Openness Is of Critical Success for Java)
by Franz Graser, Computerzeitung
September 11, 2007
(Summary: In the first part of the interview with Franz Graser Onno Kluyt talks about new scripting languages and how the JCP approaches them. Then he continues to highlight aspects of Java EE developed as a JSR under the JCP. Then he discusses possible new additions to Java technology in the future and about Ruby and Groovy. In conclusion Onno mentions that going forward he will focus on open JDK.)
- Sigma Systems Announces Participation in OSS/J Order Management API Specification
Sigma Systems Canada is an Expert Group member of JSR 264, Order Management API that posted its Final Release recently.
- Consistency and interoperability via emerging standards
Standards particularly relevant to information management and information access are being developed that will facilitate system interoperability and encourage integration. These include web services to integrate portals, Java Specification Request (JSR) 170 for universal content access, XQuery for XML data sources, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) as a common way to communicate with SQL databases and spreadsheets, and Service Data Objects (SDO) as a consistent way of handling data within applications.
- 2007 Java Developer's Journal Readers' Choice Awards
Announcing the winners and finalists in 29 award categories...
- The JCP PMO has now a web log!
Check out the latest entries from the PMO at http://blogs.sun.com/jcp/
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In September, the PMO presented at JavaZone, the key Norwegian Java Conference. Max Lanfranconi delivered a presentation about the JCP and Open Source. More info about the event
In October Jens Pätzold, senior staff engineer, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Spec Lead of several Java ME JSRs and co-Spec Lead of JSR 279 Service Connection API for Java ME made a presentation about the JCP program and the latest Java ME JSR developments at the Netherlands Java User Group (NL-JUG) Conference, J-Fall 2007. The presentation triggered a lot of interest considering the current deployment of the Mobile Service Architecture (MSA) coming to mobile devices. It also
included a preview of upcoming technologies such as MIDP3, XML API, Service Connection API and more. more information about the event , Jens' session and the pdf of his presentation in this link
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The 2007 ratified seats election winners for the ME EC are: Research In Motion (RIM), Samsung Electronics and Time Warner Cable (TWC). For the SE/EE EC the winners are: Apache Software Foundation, Red Hat Middleware and Nortel. See the final results here
The EC Elections continued with the nominations for elected seats for which members could nominate themselves. Nominations ran until October 26. Two open seats remain on the Standard/Enterprise Edition Executive Committee and two open seats on the Micro Edition Executive Committee.
Nominees for the Standard / Enterprise Edition Executive Commitee are:
- Codegear
- Eclipse Foundation, Inc
- Ericsson AB
- Google Inc.
- Interface21 Inc
- Meffert, Klaus
- Pierre-Henry, Perret
Nominees for the Micro Edition Executive Commitee are:
- Anjos, Luiz Carlos Bentes dos
- Intel Corp.
- Luz, Marlon Faria da
- Orange France SA
- Sheedy, Sean
Open elections will run between October 30 and November 12.
Find out all the information about this relevant JCP event in the 2007 EC Elections page.
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Did you know that the PMO offers Public Relations support to spec leads? The JCP conducts outreach to the press with JSR news on an ongoing bi-weekly basis. If would like to highlight your JSR, please contact Corina Ulescu at corina@jcp.org. |
If you want to know more about a JSR of your interest, please take a look at the Community Update Pages accessible from all JSR detail pages. Your comments are much appreciated by Spec Leads and can influence the work of the Expert Groups.
- JSR 275 Units Specification, finished Early Draft Review in July and the Expert Group is now working on the Public Review. A JavaWorld article "Introduction to JSR-275: Measures and Units"
- JSR 286 Portlet Specification 2.0 lead by a Star Spec Lead (find his profile here) has just successfully finished Public Review.
The Expert Group is now preparing the final draft version.
- JSR 264 Order Management API, one of the OSSJ JSRs has produced the Final Release under the leadership of Andreas Ebbert-Karroum, Star Spec Lead).
The Order Management API incorporates and replaces the OSS/J Service Activation API.
- JSR 319 Availability Management for Java(tm) has been recently submitted by Ericsson AB to the SE/EE EC for approval to be developed as a standard under the JCP. The project intends to develop an API by which an availability management framework can supervise and control Java runtime units in order to achieve high availability of Java applications. A new breed of applications will be able to leverage the power of Java in the area of High
Availability application and server management, expects Jens Jensen from Ericsson AB and Specification Lead of the proposed JSR. The JSR Review Ballot closes on October 29.
- Sun has published the second maintenance release of JSR 154 - the Java Servlet 2.5 specification
- JSR 196 led by Sun has posted its Final Release which can be now downloaded athttp://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr196/index.html
- JSR 242 - Digital Set Top Box Profile, has been released as a completed specification by Cox Communications
- JSR 263 Fault Management API from HP has published its Final Release which is now available for download at http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr263/index.html
- JSR 280 XML API for Java ME co-spec led by Nokia and Sun has also reached its final stage and published its final release at http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr280/index.html
- JSR 281 IMS Services API from Ericsson AB and BenQ has moved to Public Review and awaits ballot results to be available on October 29
- JSR 283 Content Repository for Java TM Technology API Version 2.0 from Day Software recently got its Public Draft approved by the EC and is now in straight line to final draft development. You can download the approved draft and send your comments
- JSR 287 Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API 2.0 for Java ME TM has published its Proposed Final Draft. You can provide your comments
- JSR 293 Location API 2.0 led by Nokia got its Public Draft voted by the EC in September and will be now working on the Proposed Final Draft of the spec. If you want to provide comments to the Spec Lead email them at jsr-293-comments@jcp.org
- JSR 298 Telematics API for Java TM ME from SK Telecom just recently got the EC's sign off on the Public Draft they submitted for approval. Comments can be sent to the Spec Leads at jsr-298-comments@jcp.org
- JSR 309 Media Server Control API co-spec led by BEA and HP is a new JSR. The co-Spec Leads have recently submitted the Early Draft for review to the SE/EE EC. The draft is expected to be on the EC ballot in November. You can download the draft and send your comments to the Spec Leads at jsr-309-comments@jcp.org
- Roberto Chinnici posted a jsr 316 - Java EE 6 update on his blog. It's a condensed version of the information that has been shared with the members of registered observers of the expert group.
- Gavin King has a sneak peek at JSR 299 - Web Beans, which is based on his Seam framework. The Early Draft of the spec can be downloaded at http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/edr/jsr299/ and comments provided at jsr-299-comments@jcp.org
- Shannon Hickey Updates Beans Binding Reference Implementation.
Beans Binding (JSR 295) aims to define a common framework for connecting properties of different beans for notification, especially in the context of data binding in Swing UIs. Spec lead Shannon Hickey recently updated the reference implementation with notable performance improvements and support for binding a JSpinner's value property.
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More companies continued to join the JCP in September and October among them Networks In Motion, Inc. and Saperion AG.So did tens of individual developers. Join the PMO in congratulating them for the new membership and welcoming all of them to the community.
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The Spec Leads who would like to contribute content to articles in developer publications (print and/or on-line) please contact the JCP PMO. The JCP receives leads from publications on a daily basis and is inviting you to take advantage of the opportunity to share your work under the JCP with broader audiences via our program of contributed articles.
To make sure you are not missing submission deadlines for upcoming articles to which you can contribute content or by line please make sure you make your interest known at the earliest convenience at corina@jcp.org
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Here is how to contact the Program Office:
Expert Group (EG) Coordination: If you have an EG kick-off meeting and
would like to get an overview of the JSR 2.6 program please contact the
JSR Program Manager, Liz Kiener at: Liz@jcp.org or +1 510 550
4353. Liz is also available to facilitate face to face meetings for
your EG or help two or more EGs of related or dependent JSRs to meet.
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposal: to submit proposals for new JSRs.
spec-submit@jcp.org: to send in your draft and/or final specification
documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please. Other
formats will not be posted).
admin@jcp.org: to submit Expert Group lists, in case you misplaced
your password, requests for your Member access information, updates to
your contact information.
pmo@jcp.org: to reach the PMO for general inquiries.
corina@jcp.org: to submit news items for Press & Analysts, and/or
explore further opportunities to talk to press and analysts about your
contribution to Java standards development through the JCP program.
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