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For some time we have experienced intermittent problems with the JCP mailing lists and mail archives.
Early in November these problems became more severe, making it effectively impossible to send messages to the aliases or to browse the archives. The root cause was an unusually high spam load on the mailserver - so high that it effectively constituted a Denial Of Service attack. The system became completely overloaded and the backlog of unprocessed messages reached more than 350,000.
We made this our highest priority, and the PMO staff worked over the weekend to update the mailing list and mail delivery software and to install additional spam filtering mechanisms. The system was usable again within a few days, although it took a week to clear the backlog of messages. The system is fully functional now, and we are continuing to monitor the situation. We're still working on additional spam-filtering mechanisms, (we're currently blocking 45,000 messages per hour), and we don't expect this ongoing work to impact the usability of the system.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please let us know by emailing pmo@jcp.org if you experience any further problems.
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Find out more about the latest happenings and announcements in the
JCP program, by visiting the front page of jcp.org.
Some recent JCP-related news items are listed below. |
The JCP Program Management Office announced on November 13 the final results of the 2007 JCP Executive Committees (EC) elections. After two ballot rounds for ratified and elected seats - the winners were: Apache Software Foundation,Eclipse Foundation, Inc., Google Inc., Nortel and Red Hat Middleware LLC for the Java SE/EE EC and Intel Corporation, Orange France SA, Research In Motion, LTD (RIM), Samsung Electronics Corporation and Time Warner Cable Inc. for the Java ME EC.
The newly elected and re-elected members took office on November 27 and will meet for their first Executive Committees Meeting on December 4.
Congratulations to all!
- Results of 2007 JCP Executive Committees Elections Are Out
- And the Winners Are...
An overview By Patrick Curran
Dec. 1, 2007 04:00 PM
- Eclipse Wins Java Board Seat By Darryl K. Taft
- Eclipse gets seat on Java board by Paul Krill Tue Nov 13, 3:25 PM ET
- Eclipse is elected for JCP Executive Committee
Posted by Srini Penchikala on Nov 20, 2007 02:11 PM
- Java EE 6: A Conversation with Bill Shannon and Roberto Chinnici
by Frank Sommers, Leading-Edge Java
November 6, 2007
- The JCP PMO has a web log!
Check out the latest entries from the PMO at http://blogs.sun.com/jcp/
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In November, Patrick Curran, Chair of the JCP, presented at the QCon Conference in San Francisco.
"Standards: who cares? (why care?)"
- JavaPolis, Antwerp, Belgium December 10 - 14, 2007
Java developers from around Europe and beyond come together for the annual BeJUG Conference, JavaPolis. It's an opportunity to connect with other Java developers - software developers, web developers, architects, system administrators and IT managers who innovate using Java technology. Patrick Curran will present at the conference on Friday, December 14.
Other speakers at JavaPolis active in the JCP are Danny Coward, Ed Burns, Josh Bloch, Linda DeMichiel, Mark Little, Mark Reinhold, Roberto Chinnici.
- Java Mobile and Embedded Developer Days, Sun Santa Clara Campus Auditorium, CA, USA, January 23-24, 2008
A new event to put on your radar and check out where is the mobile and embedded Java space headed? What are the latest technologies and open source projects? Which roles do standards and the JCP play and what are the challenges that lie ahead for the JCP process in the mobile and embedded ecosystem?
The Java Mobile & Embedded Developer Days Conference is devoted solely to the technologies of mobile and embedded Java platforms and will be a unique opportunity for application developers of intermediate and advanced skill levels, platform developers, technical experts at tool vendors, OEMs and carriers, as well as JCP and standards experts to get introduced to the community, to collaborate, and to network.
- Keynote by James Gosling
- JCP presentation and discussion with Patrick Curran
Registration is now open. Spec leads and Expert Group members are invited to sign up for Poster Sessions. To find out more about Poster Sessions and submit a proposal send an email to submissions@developerdays.dev.java.net
- 2008 JavaOne Conference, May 6-9, 2008, Moscone Center - San Francisco, California
The Call for Papers is closed for this year. The JavaOne Conference Content Team is targeting to review, select and send acceptance notifications by mid-January, 2008. If you receive an acceptance notification for a JCP related session you have submitted let the JCP PMO know. We would be happy to mention it on jcp.org and this newsletter.
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If you want to know more about a JSR of your interest, please take a look at the Community Update Pages accessible from all JSR detail pages. Your comments are much appreciated by Spec Leads and can influence the work of the Expert Groups. |
- JSR 139, Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.1 published its updated Final Release of the specification following Maintenance Review, also known as a Maintenance Release.
- The Expert Group for JSR 190, Event Tracking API for J2ME has completed its work and published the Final Release of the specification.
- JSR 220, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 posted a Maintenance Review
- JSR 225, XQuery API for Java (XQJ) published its Proposed Final Draft. The Spec Leads define the scope of the JSR as: "Develop a common API that allows an application to submit queries conforming to the W3C XQuery 1.0 specification and to process the results of such queries."
- JSR 232, Mobile Operational Management posted changes now available for Maintenance Review.
- JSR 248, Mobile Service Architecture published Maintenance Review changes available for review until December 17, 2007.
- JSR 249, Mobile service Architecture 2 provided a specification text update
- JSR 287, Scalable 2d Vector Graphics API 2.0 for Java ME released its Proposed Final Draft
- JSR 294, Improved Modularity Support in the Java Programming Language published its Early Draft which is now available for review until December 20, 2007.
- JSR 298, Telematics API for Java ME submitted its Proposed Final Draft for review.
- JSR 299, Web Beans published its Early Draft last month
You can provide your comments at jsr-299-comments@jcp.org
- JSR 308, Annotations on Java Types released its Early draft which is now available for review. The review will close on December 9, 2007.
- JSR 320, Services Framework was newly approved as a JCP project by the JCP ECs.
- JSR 321,Trusted Computing API for Java has been submitted to the JCP for review and approval. The project was submitted by Ronald Toegl of IAIK Graz University of Technology.
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The JCP family just got bigger! In November the majority of the new members that joined the JCP were individual developers. They are from countries from all over the world including Australia (1), Brazil (1), Canada (2), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Japan (1), the Netherlands (2) and the USA (2). Join the PMO in congratulating our newest members and welcoming them to the community!
JCP member BenQ announced that it is changing its name from "BenQ Corporation" to "Qisda Corporation."
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The Spec Leads who would like to contribute content to articles in developer publications (print and/or on-line) please contact the JCP PMO. The JCP receives leads from publications on a daily basis and is inviting you to take advantage of the opportunity to share your work under the JCP with broader audiences via our program of contributed articles.
To make sure you are not missing submission deadlines for upcoming articles to which you can contribute content or by line please make sure you make your interest known at the earliest convenience at corina@jcp.org
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Here is how to contact the Program Office:
Expert Group (EG) Coordination: If you have an EG kick-off meeting and
would like to get an overview of the JSR 2.6 program please contact the
JSR Program Manager, Liz Kiener at: Liz@jcp.org or +1 510 550
4353. Liz is also available to facilitate face to face meetings for
your EG or help two or more EGs of related or dependent JSRs to meet.
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposal: to submit proposals for new JSRs.
spec-submit@jcp.org: to send in your draft and/or final specification
documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please. Other
formats will not be posted).
admin@jcp.org: to submit Expert Group lists, in case you misplaced
your password, requests for your Member access information, updates to
your contact information.
pmo@jcp.org: to reach the PMO for general inquiries.
corina@jcp.org: to submit news items for Press & Analysts, and/or
explore further opportunities to talk to press and analysts about your
contribution to Java standards development through the JCP program.
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