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JSR 235 (Service Data Objects), which was filed in December 2004, has been dormant for almost three years now as a result of a dispute over the use of a supplemental agreement to be signed by any prospective EG member as a prerequisite for joining the expert group. This dispute has now been resolved. The original intention of the supplemental agreement was to enable an external specification, which had already been published with royalty free patent grants for essential claims, to remain in sync with any enhancements done by the expert group while the expert group was completing its work. To that end, the supplemental agreement changes the timing of some of the IP grants that the EG members must make. The agreement to use a supplemental license agreement for JSR 235 should not be interpreted as a precedent for subsequent JSRs, nor a commitment that the JCP's processes will be modified to permit such agreements in other cases.
Since the JSR was submitted multiple enhancements have been made to the input specification, including additional specifications for other languages, many implementation are currently available in both commercial products and in open source (see http://www.osoa.org/display/Main/Implementation+Examples+and+Tools for a list), and the non-Java language versions of the specification are about to begin standardization at OASIS.
In March 2007 it was announced that the standardization of the Java version of SDO in the JCP (JSR 235) would be resuming. We are now ready to do so and the JSR 235 page on jcp.org has been updated to identify the new spec leads (Radu Preotiuc-Pietro of BEA and Kelvin Goodson of IBM) and to post a copy of the supplemental agreement (SCLA) which prospective EG members must sign in order to join the expert group.
We are now restarting the call for experts to join the JSR 235 EG to complete the standardization of SDO. If you are interested, and are willing to sign the supplemental agreement, please sign up for the EG in the usual manner.
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Find out more about the latest happenings and announcements in the
JCP program, by visiting the front page of jcp.org.
Some recent JCP-related news items are listed below. |
- The newly elected and re-elected EC members participated in their first post-elections face-to-face
EC meeting
The EC members met on December 4 in their last face-to-face meeting of 2007. The two-day agenda focused on program topics including how the JCP should evolve in order to continue to respond to changes in the Java community. The 2008 EC Meetings Calendar is currently under development, next year's dates will be posted soon!
- More Open and Transparent
Patrick Curran recently spoke with Parleys about his interest in Java and the JCP.
Here are his thoughts and perspectives.
- Faces Tales: JSF 2.0
Entwickler.com discusses JSF 2.0
- A holiday wishlist
Tony Byrne, analyst notes on CMS Watch "Genuine enthusiasm for JSR 283: Content Repository for Java Technology API Version 2.0 among vendors and customers alike" CMS Watch TM evaluates content-oriented technologies, publishing head-to-head comparative reviews of leading solutions.
More about JSR 283 here
- Debate: What role will the JCP play in Java's future?
Posted by Ryan Slobojan on Dec 11, 2007 11:00 PM
Some interesting talkbacks
- The JCP PMO has a web log!
Check out the latest entries from the PMO at http://blogs.sun.com/jcp/
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Java developers from around Europe and beyond gathered in Antwerp the week of December 11-14 for the annual BeJUG Conference, JavaPolis. Patrick Curran presented at the conference on Standards: who cares? (why care?)"
Other speakers active in the JCP who attended the conference were Danny Coward, Ed Burns, Josh Bloch, Linda DeMichiel, Mark Little, Mark Reinhold, Roberto Chinnici, Stephen Colebourne. Check out their talks on the site of the conference at www.javapolis.com
- Java Mobile and Embedded Developer Days, Sun Santa Clara Campus Auditorium, CA, USA, January 23-24, 2008
A new event to put on your radar and check out where is the mobile and embedded Java space headed? What are the latest technologies and open source projects? Which roles do standards and the JCP play and what are the challenges that lie ahead for the JCP process in the mobile and embedded ecosystem?
The Java Mobile & Embedded Developer Days Conference is devoted solely to the technologies of mobile and embedded Java platforms and will be a unique opportunity for application developers of intermediate and advanced skill levels, platform developers, technical experts at tool vendors, OEMs and carriers, as well as JCP and standards experts to get introduced to the community, to collaborate, and to network.
A Conference Count-Down Newsletter is now available. Get your first and second issues in a series of weekly updates.
Spec leads and Expert Group members are invited to sign up for Poster Sessions. To find out more about Poster Sessions and submit a proposal send an email to submissions@developerdays.dev.java.net
- Keynote by James Gosling
- JCP presentation and discussion with Patrick Curran
Registration is now open. Spec leads and Expert Group members are invited to sign up for Poster Sessions. To find out more about Poster Sessions and submit a proposal send an email to submissions@developerdays.dev.java.net
- 2008 JavaOne Conference, May 6-9, 2008, Moscone Center - San Francisco, California
The Call for Papers is closed for this year. The JavaOne Conference Content Team is targeting to review, select and send acceptance notifications by mid-January, 2008. If you receive an acceptance notification for a JCP related session you have submitted let the JCP PMO know. We would be happy to mention it on jcp.org and this newsletter.
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If you want to know more about a JSR of your interest, please take a look at the Community Update Pages accessible from all JSR detail pages. Your comments are much appreciated by Spec Leads and can influence the work of the Expert Groups. |
- The review period for JSR 220, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 Maintenance Draft concluded.
- JSR 232, Mobile Operational Management ended its Maintenance Draft review period.
- JSR 248, Mobile Service Architecture wrapped up its Maintenance Review period.
- JSR 279, Service Connection API for Java ME published its second Public Draft."
- JSR 286, Portlet Specification 2.0 posted its Proposed Final Draft.
- JSR 289, SIP Servlet v1.1 entered Public Review. Available for review until January 8, 2008.
- JSR 294, mproved Modularity Support in the Java Programming Language closed its Early Draft period. The Early Draft had been published in November and is available for review until December 20
- JSR 300, DRM API for Java ME submitted its Early Draft for review. The review period will close on January 6.
- JSR 308, Annotations on Java Types recently closed the review period of its Early Draft.
- Ronald Toegl of IAIK Graz University of Technology recently submitted JSR 321,Trusted Computing API to the JCP for review and approval by the EC. The JSR was approved in the December 11 ballot
- JSR 322, Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6 was recently submitted by Sun and approved by the ECs as a JSR project in the December 17 ballot.
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In December the JCP added more individual members to its membership roaster, many of them from Europe. Congratulations and welcome to all!
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The Spec Leads who would like to contribute content to articles in developer publications (print and/or on-line) please contact the JCP PMO. The JCP receives leads from publications on a daily basis and is inviting you to take advantage of the opportunity to share your work under the JCP with broader audiences via our program of contributed articles.
To make sure you are not missing submission deadlines for upcoming articles to which you can contribute content or by line please make sure you make your interest known at the earliest convenience at corina@jcp.org
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Here is how to contact the Program Office:
Expert Group (EG) Coordination: If you have an EG kick-off meeting and
would like to get an overview of the JSR 2.6 program please contact the
JSR Program Manager, Liz Kiener at: Liz@jcp.org or +1 510 550
4353. Liz is also available to facilitate face to face meetings for
your EG or help two or more EGs of related or dependent JSRs to meet.
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposal: to submit proposals for new JSRs.
spec-submit@jcp.org: to send in your draft and/or final specification
documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please. Other
formats will not be posted).
admin@jcp.org: to submit Expert Group lists, in case you misplaced
your password, requests for your Member access information, updates to
your contact information.
pmo@jcp.org: to reach the PMO for general inquiries.
corina@jcp.org: to submit news items for Press & Analysts, and/or
explore further opportunities to talk to press and analysts about your
contribution to Java standards development through the JCP program.
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