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On 18 October 2011, the revised JCP document was released as a Final Release of JSR 348. On the same day, these changes applied to any new JSRs, as well as to any JCP 2.7 JSRs whose Specification/Maintenance Leads and Expert Groups agreed to make the change. Then in August 2012, the JCP document was revised again with JCP 2.9, and those changes took effect on 13 November 2012. There are significant differences between JCP 2.8, JCP 2.9, and previous JCP versions. This page looks to summarize the changes for easy reference. Each change has a short description and a reference to the relevant sections of the process document.
Changes for general users | Changes for Expert Group participants | Changes for Spec Leads | Changes for the Executive Committee
Changes for the general user
- JCP 2.9 merged the two Executive Committees into a single Executive Committee, which now votes on all JCP 2.5 and above JSRs.
- Each JCP 2.8 or 2.9 JSR will present its Expert Group communications, proceedings and documents in a mechanism that enables public review and commentary/feedback. This mechanism will also archive all such communications (1.1.1).
- Each JCP 2.8 or 2.9 JSR will have a publicly visible Issue Tracker in which the public can suggest new issues and track existing issues, and the Executive Committee can review the progress on open issues (1.1.2).
- Nominations to a JCP 2.8 or 2.9 JSR's Expert Group and all substantive discussion, deliberation and decisions on those nominations by the Spec Lead and Expert Group, if any, will be provided publicly, via the JSR's public communication channel (1.2.1)
- Each JCP 2.8 or JCP 2.9 JSR will list the names of the experts serving on the Expert Group, as well as which JCP Member they represent (1.2.1).
- Each JSR
and the Expert Group must respond to such comments before the next EC ballot. Note: if you use the discussion boards on provided for this purpose and are not representing a JCP Member who has signed the JSPA 2, the Terms of Use address your posts as potential contributions (1.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.2).
Changes for Expert Group participants
- Your communications and documents within the Expert Group will be made available in a publicly-visible archive. (1.1.1)
- You are expected to track issues with the JSR in a public Issue Tracker. (1.1.2)
- Your nomination to the Expert Group and all deliberations relating to the Specification Lead's decision on your nomination will be publicly visible (1.2.1).
- You may be removed from the Expert Group at the request of the rest of the group, but you have a mechanism to appeal such a decision to the Executive Committee through the PMO (1.2.3, 1.7).
Changes for Specification and Maintenance Leads
- You are responsible to provide a public communication channel for posting and archiving all Expert Group nominations and your deliberations on them (1.2.1), all Expert Group communications (1.1.1), and all Expert Group documents (1.1.1).
- You must consult with the existing Expert Group about any new EG nominations (1.2.1) before adding any new experts to the group.
- You are responsible to provide and maintain an Issue Tracker visible to the public and a mechanism for the public to log issues in that tracker (1.1.2).
- The Specification license you provide at JSR Proposal may not change (1.1.3).
- JSR Deadlines (1.3): 9 months for EDR, another 12 months for Public Review, another 12 months for Final Release, and a deadline specified by the Maintenance Lead for Maintenance Release. If the deadline is not met, the EC may vote to determine whether your JSR should continue.
- JSR Implementations (1.4): Maintenance Leads must provide a complete list of all implementations of the specification which have been certified as compatible and have been publicly or commercially released. This list must be provided at least quarterly, to be published publicly on
- JSR Review (2.2): a JCP 2.9 JSR proposal is posted publicly for either 2 or 4 weeks BEFORE JSR Approval Ballot begins.
- Ballot changes: Public Review Draft Ballot takes place AFTER the Public Review (3.4), all Maintenance Reviews are followed by a Maintenance Review Ballot (5.2), Final/Maintenance Releases with broken links may have a Withdrawal Ballot (4.3), a Maintenance Renewal Ballot determines whether a missed Maintenance Release deadline requires the Maintenance Lead to repeat the Maintenance Review (5.3), and Transfer Ballot to change Maintenance Leads (5.1.1).
- Final Release must occur within 14 days of an approved Final Approval Ballot (4.3).
- Maintenance Leads must specify how soon a Maintenance Release will occur after an approved Maintenance Review, and all changes are not officially approved until the Maintenance Release that incorporates those changes is posted (5.3).
- JCP 2.8 JSRs will remain listed as JCP 2.8 until their next milestone posting, at which point they will be listed as JCP 2.9.
Changes for the Executive Committee
- In JCP 2.9, the two Executive Committees were merged into one Executive Committee. That one EC now performs all the duties that were split between the two previously. So all JSRs are now considered by the same EC.
- The JCP Executive Committee Standing Rules.
The PMO welcomes suggestions and requests from the Spec Leads for improvements of this guide and the process: