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Find out more about the latest happenings in the Java Community Process
(JCP) program, by visiting the front page of the JCP program web site:
http://jcp.org . Some recent new items include the 2005 JCP Calendar, a
JCP feature story, Graham Hamilton's blog, J2ME 5 year anniversary
feature and some JSR 22 news: |
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JavaOne, Sun's 2005 Worldwide Java Developer Conference, is seeking proposals for
sessions (technical talks and BOFs) for this year's Conference. The JavaOne conference is your
opportunity to educate and influence this community with in-depth talks on various Java
technologies and solutions. |
Please go to
to review the guidelines and instructions to submit
your proposal(s). If you have questions regarding the Call for Papers process, please contact
Submissions will be accepted until Monday, 31 January 2005.
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The JCP is participating at several industry events in the coming months and membership can save you money if you are planning to attend. Please see below for more details. |
As an Association sponsor and participant at Web Services Edge 2005, being held 15-17 Feb in Boston,
JCP members can receive a 15% discount off of the current registration prices.
Use Priority code "JCP15" when you
- The JCP will also be sponsoring and presenting at TheServerSide Java Symposium 3-5 March in Las Vegas.
JCP members are eligible for $50 off of the current registration price;
use the code "JCPMEM" to receive the discount when you
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New this year is the combination of the JCP Training and Communication sessions around conferences and EC Meetings.
The sessions are hosted by the PMO free of charge and are open to everyone with interest in the JCP
Program. You do not need to be a JCP Member to attend. If you wish to attend, know someone who would like
to attend, or would like some more information regarding the Training and Communication sessions,
please contact Liz Kiener at Liz@jcp.org or +1 510 550 4353.
This year the sessions are interactive and will include the development of a JSR with all attendees
as the Expert Group. In addition to an overview of the process, statistics, history of the JCP program,
the objective for the JCP Training is to provide attendees with an update on the latest version of
the program, We now have some experience with JCP 2.6 JSRs going through EDR and PR. It will present
the new tools introduced to help Spec Leads drive the JSR development process more effectively and
the process enhancements brought to improve process transparency and participation. The JCP Training
and Communication Sessions present a unique opportunity for future Spec Leads, Expert Group Members
to meet with experienced Spec Leads and Experts.
Dates and Locations for JCP Training and Communications Sessions in 2005:
- 14 February Boston MA - US East Coast JCP Training and Communication Session - 9:00 - 18:00
(Prior to Web Services Edge)
- 19 May Nice, France - European JCP Training - 13:00 - 17:00 & 20 May Nice,
France - JCP Training and Communication Session - 9:00 - 17:00 (Following Telemanagement World)
- 22 September Singapore - Asian JCP Training - 10:00 - 17:00 & 23
September Singapore - JCP Communication Session - 10:00 - 15:00 (Prior to 3GSM)
- The West Coast JCP Training and Communication Session - TBA -
most likely to be held November in San Francisco, CA
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There are several new JSRs being developed through the JCP program. You can nominate to serve on
the expert group of these JSRs by clicking on the "Join Expert Group" link on the
JSR detail page urls listed below. You can also request to join the Observer Alias of JCP 2.6
JSRs by emailing the spec lead (listed on the JSR detail page).
JSR 267, A JSP tag library for Web Services,
proposes a happy union of standard web services protocols and JavaServer Pages (JSP), that will
help JSP page authors integrate Web Services into their web applications with minimal effort
and quick turnaround times.
JSR 265, API for Utilizing Web Services Policy,
aims to standardize a basic framework in Java for utilizing the Web services constraints and capabilities.
JSR 262, Web Services Connector for Java Management
Extensions (JMX ) Agents, is now open and inviting nominations for Expert Group membership.
This JSR will define a connector for the JMX Remote API that uses Web Services to make JMX
instrumentation available remotely. Clients do not have to be Java applications, but can be.
JSR 261, The Java APIs for XML-based Web Services Addressing (JAX-WSA) 1.0 specification, will define APIs and a framework for supporting transport-neutral addressing
of Web services.
For the J2ME environment, one new JSR has been submitted and approved by the EC JSR 266,
Unified Message Box Access API (UMBA-API)--this JSR will define an API to access and manage the
message boxes of the mobile device and their content.
JSR 240, a JSLEE is an event driven application server, is available for Early Draft Review.
This review closes 13 February.
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Here is how to contact the Program Office:
Expert Group (EG) Coordination: If you have an EG kick-off meeting and would like to get an
overview of the JSR 2.6 program please contact the JSR Program Manager:
Liz@jcp.org or at 1 510 550 4353.
Liz is also available to facilitate face to face meetings for your EG or help two or more EGs of
related or dependent JSRs to meet.
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposal: to submit proposals for new JSRs.
spec-submit@jcp.org: to send in your draft and/or final
specification documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please. Other formats will not be posted).
admin@ jcp.org: Expert Group lists, in case you misplaced your Member access information.
pmo@jcp.org: to reach the PMO.
Interested in receiving this newsletter directly?
Join the JCP program.
Best regards,
Heather VanCura for the JCP PMO
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