Find out more about the latest happenings and announcements in the
JCP program, by visiting the front page of jcp.org.
Some recent JCP-related news items are listed below. |
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- ApacheCon Europe 1-4 May Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 2007 JavaOne conference, 8-11 May in San Francisco Conference
Registration is LIVE! Register today for the JavaOne conference and Save
$200! The program is new and expanded.http://java.sun.com/javaone/sf
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The nominations are in for the fifth annual JCP Program Awards! The winners will be formally announced at the Community Event on the evening of Wednesday, 9 May (see next newsletter item for more details on the event). Members of the JCP EC have until 23 April to cast their votes. Here are the 2007 JCP Program Awards Nominees:
- JCP Member of the Year: Apache Software Foundation, Nokia, Orange France
- JCP Participant of the Year (new category): Wayne Carr, Jean-Marie Dautelle, Doug Lea
- Most Outstanding Spec Lead for Java SE/EE: Alan Bateman (JSR 203), Nasir Khan (JSR 289), David Nuescheler (JSR 283)
- Most Outstanding Spec Lead for Java ME: Shai Gotlib (JSR 190), Mike Milikich (JSR 271), Antti Rantalahti & Ivan Wong (JSR 272)
- Most Innovative JSR for Java SE/EE: JSR 299, Web Beans, JSR 308, Annotations on Java Types, JSR 309, Media Server Control API
- Most Innovative JSR for Java ME: JSR 298, Telematics API for Java ME, JSR 300, DRM API for Java ME, JSR 307, Network Mobility and Mobile Data API
For more information on the JCP Program Awards, see: http://jcp.org/en/press/news/awards/awards_main
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The JCP program has organized many activities during the week of the JavaOne Conference for all JCP program members and participants. Details are below.
- - JCP Training: Monday 7 May from 11:00 - 17:00 is open to all interested persons free of charge. Held at The Argent Hotel (now Westin) - City Room. RSVP to Liz@jcp.org by 23 April.
- - JCP Spec Lead Dinner: Monday 7 May is hosted for all Spec Leads and EC Members, with a special invitation to our Star Spec Leads to attend and welcome into their circle our newest Star Spec Leads. Some Press Members will also attend.
- - BOF-5697, Tuesday 8 May 20:00-20:50 "Take the Guessing out of the Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) Future: Latest JSRs Predict Exciting Technology Developments Ahead".
- - JCP Program Community Event: Wednesday 9 May from 18:30 - 22:00 is open to all interested persons free of charge. This event will be held at The Argent Hotel (now Westin) - Metropolitan I Room. Network with other JCP program participants, meet Duke, enjoy food, beverages, party favors, and be the first to hear the winners of the JCP Program Awards.
You may also visit the JCP program in the Pavilion area (pod #971 in the Sun booth) of Moscone Center: ask your favorite questions of PMO members, pick up your JCP member/participant, Spec Lead or EC member badge ribbons and gift. We also have reserved a room for Expert Group use at the Argent Hotel. The schedule will be posted at the door of the room and there will also be a copy at the JCP pod (any remaining spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
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As you know the JCP PMO has been working on developing a new jcp.org site with an initial roll out date in March. We decided to push out the site launch in order to make sure we accomplish several things:
- ensure a high degree of quality and stability of the new site in order to make user experience a better one: save time, increase efficiency and productivity and enable communication and access to information not available previously
- offer from the first roll out a core number of features and capabilities to make a compelling difference for site users
As a result the former jcp.org site is back while we are putting the final touches on the new one. We will make sure we notify you of the new launch date so that you have a chance to try it out.
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Did you know that the PMO offers Public Relations support to spec
leads? The JCP conducts outreach to the press with JSR news on an ongoing bi-weekly basis. If would like to
highlight your JSR, please contact Corina Ulescu at corina@jcp.org. |
- JSR312,JavaTM Business Integration 2.0 (JBI 2.0), has been approved byt the EC for development in the JCP program
- The Expert Group for JSR 309, Media Server Control API, is now formed and the API discussions are taking place; they are planning a face to face meeting in April.
- JSR 203, More New I/O APIs for the JavaTM Platform (NIO.2), is now available for Early Draft Review. This review closes on 27 May.
- JSR 286, Portlet Specification 2.0, is now available for Early Draft Review. This review closes on 16 May.
- JSR 263, Fault Management API, has published a Proposed Final Draft Specification.
- JSR 291, Dynamic Component Support for JavaTM SE, has published a Proposed Final Draft Specification.
- JSR 272, Mobile Broadcast Service API for Handheld Terminals, has published a Proposed Final Draft Specification.
- JSR 279, Service Connection API for JavaTM ME, is now available for Public Review. This review closes on 14 May.
- JSR 287, Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API 2.0 for Java ME TM, is now available for Public Review. This review closes on 21 May.
- JSR 147, Workspace Versioning and Configuration Management, has completed its work and published the Final Release of the specification.
- JSR 234, Advanced Multimedia Supplements, has published a Maintenance Release of the specification.
- JSR 231, JavaTM Binding for the OpenGL? API, has published a Maintenance Release of the specification.
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Here is how to contact the Program Office:
Expert Group (EG) Coordination: If you have an EG kick-off meeting and
would like to get an overview of the JSR 2.6 program please contact the
JSR Program Manager, Liz Kiener at: Liz@jcp.org or +1 510 550
4353. Liz is also available to facilitate face to face meetings for
your EG or help two or more EGs of related or dependent JSRs to meet.
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposal: to submit proposals for new JSRs.
spec-submit@jcp.org: to send in your draft and/or final specification
documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please. Other
formats will not be posted).
admin@jcp.org: to submit Expert Group lists, in case you misplaced
your password, requests for your Member access information, updates to
your contact information.
pmo@jcp.org: to reach the PMO for general inquiries.
corina@jcp.org: to submit news items for Press & Analysts, and/or
explore further opportunities to talk to press and analysts about your
contribution to Java standards development through the JCP program.
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