Dear JCP Members,
Here is your December 2009 edition of the Java Community Process (JCP) Program Management Office (PMO) Newsletter. This Newsletter is sent to JCP Members, Executive Committee (EC) Members, Spec Leads. This edition covers recent news, enhancements, the EC Elections, Spec Lead updates, and Java Specification Requests (JSR) in the spotlight.
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Find out more about the latest happenings and announcements in the
JCP program, by visiting the front page of
Some recent JCP-related news items are listed below.
Find out more about the latest happenings and announcements in the JCP program, by visiting the front page of Some recent JCP-related news items are listed below.
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In November the program office introduced a few enhancements to the web site. All of the wikis and boards now include a way for users to give their quick opinion of the content by awarding each item with a rating, by selecting a certain number of stars. In addition, all of the public discussion boards and wikis include RSS buttons to enable a user to subscribe to updates of that content.
Also, please remember that the current feedback mechanism for JSRs are the discussion boards. The old jsr-xyz-comments aliases have been discontinued; if you send your feedback to one of these, that will not go to the Spec Lead or Expert Group.
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The results are in...the 2009 JCP EC Elections have officially concluded, and final results are available on . Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all of the nominees for their interest. There will be a special election in January 2010 for the open ME EC seat vacated by Jacob Feldman. Nominations will be accepted beginning Friday, 8 January.
Read more about the SE EC members here and the ME EC members here.
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Do you have candidates for 2010 Star Spec Leads? Please send email to if you would like to nominate a Spec Lead for this honor. For more information on the Star Spec Lead program, see:
If you are interested in gathering together for discussion with fellow spec leads, the program office can coordinate and host these conversations. Please let the PMO know that you would like to participate. Possible topics include JCP version 2.7, discussion boards/aliases, features of, inactive JSRs, transparency, agility, how to submit your stage submissions, licensing, or any other topic of interest. The next call will take place in late January or early February 2010.
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If you want to know more about a JSR of your interest, please take a look at the Community Update Pages accessible from all JSR detail pages. Your comments are much appreciated by Spec Leads and can influence the work of the Expert Groups.
December has been a busy month for JSR milestone stage postings. Some of the highlights are below.
- JSR 332, Email Client API for Java ME, was approved by the ME EC to continue development in the JCP Program.
- JSR 275, Units Specification
- JSR 48, WBEM Services Specification
- JSR 309, Media Server Control API
- JSR 271, MIDP 3
- JSR 287, SCalable 2D Vector Graphics
- JSR 316, Java EE 6
- JSR 299, Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform
- JSR 315, Java Servlet 3.0
- JSR 317, Java Persistence 2.0
- JSR 318, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1
- JSR 322, Java EE Connector Architecture
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Here is how to contact the Program Office: to submit proposals for new JSRs. to send in your draft and/or final specification
documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please. Other
formats will not be posted). to submit Expert Group questions, in case you misplaced
your password, requests for your Member access information, or updates to
your contact information (note that most of these items can now be updated on the ?My Profile? page: to reach the PMO for other inquiries. to follow latest announcements on the JCP program.
JCP Announcement Forum
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All of us in the JCP program office wish you a joyous holiday season and new year. The program office is closed for the holidays through 3 January 2010. Check the JCP calendar for the 2010 dates of interest in the first part of January.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Heather VanCura, on behalf of the JCP PMO
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JCP Program Newsletter December 2009