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Maria Lorenza Demarie is deeply rooted in her hometown of Turin, Italy, where she grew up,
went to college, and now works. In 1981, she received a degree in Computer Science
from the University of Turin. She has worked in research and development in software
for telecommunications since 1982, when she was hired into CSELT (Centro Studi E
Laboratori Telecomunicazioni), the Research Lab of the Telecom Italia Group.
Maria has tackled numerous projects aimed at developing new software
architectures for telecommunication systems, focusing on problems
related to the management of large amounts of data. She has served
as Italy's representative on Remote Database Access standardization
through the International Organization for Standardization SQL3 committee
(ISO JTC1/SC21/WG3). For three years, she led a massive research effort
to evaluate Object-Oriented DataBase Management Systems (OODBMS) for
network management and multimedia applications. At the same time,
she also led a joint CSELT and Bell Labs project on the evolution
of DBMS for new telecom applications, both as network and services
databases. She worked on one of the first European projects on 3G
Mobile Networks (the RACE MoNet project), focusing on distributed
database processing for Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
(UMTS) localization.
"I began working with Java technology from the very beginning
of Java in 1995. We were looking for a programming language easy to
integrate with Web applications and which could be used to build dynamic
Web applications. The need was to query Web pages the same way you
do with databases in order to extract knowledge from them and to do
that via Web applications. The only solution to our problem was a
new emerging language called Java," says Maria.
Since that time, Maria has been involved with several Java projects
clustered in two different areas: (1) internet platforms especially
tailored for content delivery and user customization, and (2)
mobile interactive services platforms to deliver multimedia services
on smart phones. For example, Maria just wrapped up the Information
Society Technologies (IST) Project 2001 33357 IMAP, an innovative
Interactive Mobile Advertising Platform that implemented a full
Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME) (client side) and Enterprise
Edition (J2EE) (server side) integrated platform for mobile-sponsored
interactive multimedia services management and delivery, taking
into account the privacy and personalization requirements, exploiting
the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)/UMTS technology and carrying
out the powerful formalism of XML and Java.
Now a senior project manager in the Mobile Services area, Maria
is leading a research project to develop a new architecture that
supports the convergence of services from the mobile/cellular
domain and broadcast/media domains. The architecture is based
on the concept of having a unique client application running
on the mobile handset, based on a standard environment such as
Java, and supporting all types of convergent services.
Telecom Italia joined the Java Community Process (JCP) in June
2003. Maria observes Java Specification Request (JSR) 248 Mobile
Service Architecture for CLDC and JSR 249 Mobile Service Architecture
for CDC, while her colleague Giovanni Caire serves as an expert
on JSR 232 Mobile Operational Management.
To escape the world of acronyms, Maria swims, dances, walks in
the mountains, and reads good historicals and spy stories.
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