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Find out more about
the latest happenings and announcements
in the JCP program, by visiting the
front page of jcp.org. Some recent
JCP-related news items are listed
below. |
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The JCP Program Awards results were announced at the JavaOne Conference,
during the "Java Communities in Action Event". Congratulations to the winners |
Member of the Year, The Apache Software Foundation
- Most Innovative JSR, Java Micro Edition, JSR 271 (MIDP 3)
- Best Spec Lead, Java Micro Edition, Eric Overtoom & Ekaterina Chtcherbina
- Most Innovative JSR, Java Standard/Enterprise Edition, JSR 175 (Java
Language Annotations)
- Best Spec Lead, Java Standard/Enterprise Edition, Bill Shannon
More information on the JCP Program Awards:
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Spec Leads are key to the JCP program! At the 2005 JavaOne Conference,
the PMO introduced an incentive program to reward and recognize "Star
Spec Leads". These leaders earned this honor through their efficient,
prompt, and transparent communication with their Expert Group, the PMO
and the EC. They used community web pages, observer aliases, and other
tools to communicate with their expert group, the JCP program community,
and the public. Congratulations to the Star Spec Leads: Alejandro
Abdelnur, Volker Bauche, John Buford, Ekaterina Chtcherbina, Linda
DeMichiel, Andreas Ebbert, Jan Eichholz, Stefan Hepper, Mark Hornick,
Jere Kapyaho, Kimmo Loytana, Eamonn McManus, David Nuescheler, Eric
Overtoom, Vincent Perrot, and Jim Van Peursem. You can find out more
about the program here.
Profiles of many of these Star Spec Leads are available as part of the
JCP Community Focus series here.
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This week the PMO launched a new feature on jcp.org that automates a
large part of Expert Group nomination and formation. Spec Leads will now
see a link on their Expert Group private pages (http://jcp.org/en/eg/my)
under a section "Process Expert Group Nominations". This feature should
save time and improve ease of use for all involved in EG nominations--
Spec Leads can now review nominations as they are submitted without
having to wait for the PMO to process them. In addition, this feature
will streamline the process of additions to Expert Groups moving
forward. Early feedback from the community is positive--"Happiness!"
"Excellent news!", "nice development!" Let us know what you think: pmo@jcp.org.
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Did you know that the PMO offers Public Relations support to spec
leads? The JCP conducts outreach to the press with JSR news on an ongoing bi-weekly basis. If would like to
highlight your JSR, please contact Corina Ulescu at corina@jcp.org. |
General Announcements:
266, Unified Message Box Access API (UMBA-API), kickoff
meeting took place in Munich 18, 19 July. During the meeting a proposed
requirements document was reviewed and there were lively discussions
leading into some implementation ideas. As the next step the
requirements will be consolidated in the EG and result into a common
273, Design-Time API for JavaBeans. Spec work will be done using
the public Java.Net project: "jbdt-spec-public". Please join the public
group and contribute to the spec!
186, Presence and JSR 187 Instant Messaging have been submitted to
the PMO for Proposed Final Draft. We expect to go to Final Approval
Ballot in 4Q 2005. We appreciate the work of the expert group and
public review comments received from Oz Communications.
164, SIMPLE Presence and JSR 165 SIMPLE Instant Messaging have been
submitted to the PMO for Final Approval Ballot. We appreciate the
efforts of the expert group on the specifications. Because of the tight
coupling between these two specifications (JSR 164 and 165 are meant to
be implemented either combined or separately), both the RI and TCK are
designed so that each individual JSR can be separately verified by the
TCK as well as validated in a joint implementation.
New JSRs:
JSR 280, XML API for Java ME, is now available for review. This JSR
provides a common general purpose XML API for the next generation of
mobile devices
- JSR 279, Service Connection API for Java ME, is now available for
review. A new high-level API for connection services via frameworks
supporting identity based services, discovery, and authentication. The API
supports Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and other similar network
service application models
- JSR 278, Resource Management Framework, has been approved to continue
development. Resource Management Framework will provide a simple
interface for extensible resource management in a J2ME platform that
needs multiple application management and resource control within a
single process environment
Early Draft Reviews:
JSR 239, Java Bindings for OpenGL ES, is now available for Review.
This review closes 14 August
- JSR 199, Java Compiler API, is now available for Review. This review
closes 12 August. Also, read the Spec Lead blog
- JSR 264,
Order Management API, is now available for review. This review closes 26 August. Also, check
out the java.net page for more information
Public Reviews:
JSR 244, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5)
Specification, is now available for review. This JSR is to develop the
next release of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, targeted to ship
in the second half of 2005. The review is scheduled to close 8 August
- JSR 220, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, is now available for review. The
review is scheduled to close 15 August
The following Expert Groups have published their Final Release:
JSR 229, Payment API
JSR 181, Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform
JSR 211, Content Handler API
JSR 105, XML Digital Signature APIs
- JSR 184, Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME, has completed the
Maintenance Process and has published the Maintenance Release
specification (version 1.1)
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Here is how to contact the Program Office:
Expert Group (EG) Coordination: If you have an EG kick-off meeting and would like to get an
overview of the JSR 2.6 program please contact the JSR Program Manager:
Liz@jcp.org or at 1 510 550 4353.
Liz is also available to facilitate face to face meetings for your
EG or help two or more EGs of related or dependent JSRs to meet.
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposal: to submit
proposals for new JSRs.
spec-submit@jcp.org: to send in your draft and/or
specification documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please. Other formats
will not be posted).
admin@ jcp.org: Expert Group lists, in case you
your Member access information.
jcp.org: to reach the PMO.
Interested in receiving this newsletter directly?
Join the JCP program.
Best regards,
Heather VanCura for the JCP PMO
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