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The job of an Executive Committee (EC) representative
is a serious commitment. The time required is extensive, and includes reading of specifications, Reference Implementations (RIs),
and Technology Compatibility Kits (TCKs), as well as regular attendance at EC meetings and teleconferences to discuss and vote on
various technical and process topics. Besides voting on Java Specification Requests (JSRs) at various stages, the EC guides the
Program Management Office (PMO) in the evolution of the Java Community Process (JCP) program. EC decisions can have significant,
long-term consequences to not only the community, but also in the industry and the market. Still, plenty of JCP participants relish
the task of representing a corporation, non-profit, open source group, or themselves.
With 30 years in the Information Technology industry, Dr. Don Deutsch is currently vice president, Standards Strategy and Architecture for Oracle Corporation. He has represented on the JCP Executive Committee (EC) since the launch of JCP 1.0, and even before that on the interim EC.
As the JCP program has grown, so has Oracle's participation, with 112 Oracle engineers now actively engaged. Three of those engineers have been recognized for their particular efforts. Star Spec Lead Mark Hornick was nominated for the JCP program annual award of Most Outstanding Spec Lead for Java SE/EE in 2004 and again in 2005 for his work on JSR 73, Data Mining API, and JSR 247, Data Mining 2.0. Also in 2005, Jim Melton of Oracle and his co-Spec Lead Andrew Eisenberg of IBM were nominated for the same award for their work on JSR 225, XQuery API for Java. Star Spec Lead Jose Cronembold was nominated for the same award in 2006 for his work on JSR 198, A Standard Extension API for Integrated Development Environments.
Oracle maintains a strong commitment to Java technology and a desire for a vibrant and strong Java community. Don Deutch led the two-year effort by the joint ME and SE/EE ECs to revise the JSPA, and he hopes to continue that revision.
In keeping with his focus on standards, Don also represents Oracle on the INCITS Executive Board, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Board of Directors, and the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Advisory Board. Don was also president of the Enterprise Grid Alliance, a consortium focusing on accelerating the application of Grid technology in commercial and public sector data centers, and he serves as chair of the JTC 1 Web Services Study Group. In 2002, ANSI recognized Don for his leadership of national and international information technology standardization by awarding him the Edward Lohse Information Technology Medal.
Prior to joining Oracle, Don held senior software engineering management positions with Sybase and the Information Services Division of General Electric Co. But his interest in standards goes back even further. Before working in industry, Don managed the database management systems standards and supporting research program at the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (now NIST, the National Institute for Standards and Technology), held a full-time faculty appointment in the Information Systems Management Department of the University of Maryland, and worked as a consultant for an international public accounting firm.
Don earned a bachelor's degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and MBA and doctorate degrees from the University of Maryland, College Park. He has published numerous articles and papers, and co-authored an undergraduate textbook on Database Concepts. The National Bureau of Standards published his doctoral research on Modeling and Measurement of Database Management Systems.
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