The job of an Executive Committee (EC) representative
is a serious commitment. The time required is extensive, and includes reading of specifications, Reference Implementations (RIs),
and Technology Compatibility Kits (TCKs), as well as regular attendance at EC meetings and teleconferences to discuss and vote on
various technical and process topics. Besides voting on Java Specification Requests (JSRs) at various stages, the EC guides the
Program Management Office (PMO) in the evolution of the Java Community Process (JCP) program. EC decisions can have significant,
long-term consequences to not only the community, but also in the industry and the market. Still, plenty of JCP participants relish
the task of representing a corporation, non-profit, open source group, or themselves.
Wayne Carr brings a wealth of technical experience to the JCP EC. In 20 years
of software engineering, he has worked on TV set-tops, video conferencing,
operating systems, networking, multimedia and on advanced research in robotics,
working for Martin Marietta, Microsoft, and Intel. He has been coding in Java
technology since the language was introduced.
Wayne also has considerable previous experience in standards bodies, having managed a group
dedicated to standards work in the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), where he personally
worked in the W3C HTML Working Group (WG), XML Schema WG, and W3C Advisory Committee as Intel's
lead corporate representative to W3C. Wayne has also worked with the Open Mobile
Architecture (OMA) initiative on OMA Architecture Principles and Execution Environment
policy, as well as The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Advanced Television
Enhancement Forum (ATVEF, for HTML over TV), and in other standards organizations.
Since June 2002, when Intel joined the JCP program, Wayne rapidly became
highly involved in the EC and various JSRs. He closely
followed JSR 185, Java Technology
for the Wireless Industry as an observer, and he participates as an
active member of the Expert Groups for JSR 250,
Common Annotations for the Java Platform, JSR 270, Java SE 6
("Mustang") Release Contents, and JSR 277, Java Module
System. Wayne also coordinates cross-company Intel participation in the JCP program.
Currently, Wayne is an architect in Intel's Software and Solutions
Group Managed Runtime Division. He serves as Intel's representative
on the Java SE/EE Executive Committee and previously represented Intel
on the Java ME Executive Committee. "We see our elected position in the
Executive Committee as representing the JCP program Membership, and we
take that very seriously," says Wayne. From within the ECs, he has
championed Intel's interest in improving the rules to ensure that the
JCP program is favorable for Independent Implementations, especially open
source implementations.
For instance, Intel worked with the JCP Program Management Office (PMO) to
craft rules for Specification Leads that guard against accidentally exposing
Expert Group members to the Reference Implementation. That helps ensure Expert
Group members can create Independent Implementations uncontaminated by anyone
else's code. Wayne says, "We also think it is crucial for Spec Leads to provide
licensing information for the required TCK test suite when the JSR is proposed.
Currently, Implementers may not know the conditions of that required license until
after the spec is completed, and waiting that long to implement could get to market late."
Intel is a leading supplier and innovator of microprocessors and other
silicon building blocks being used in the vast array of devices and
computing platforms where Java technology is being deployed. Intel is
innovating in areas like multi-core and threading, wireless and wired
networking, and semiconductor devices for embedded controllers, mobile
phones, PDAs, set-top boxes, laptops, PCs, servers and supercomputers.
"Java technology is an important part of our future, and Intel is
committed to ensuring that Java technology can take advantage of
cutting edge advances in hardware in the years to come, like the
rise of multi-core processors that support far larger numbers of
threads than in the past," says Wayne.
Intel has participated in 14 JSRs, including the three Wayne worked on:
JSR 277 Java Module System
JSR 271 Mobile Information Device Profile 3
JSR 270 Java SE 6("Mustang") Release Contents
JSR 253 Mobile Telephony API (MTA)
JSR 250 Common Annotations for the Java Platform
JSR 218 Connected Device Configuration 1.1
JSR 217 Personal Basis Profile 1.1
JSR 209 Advanced Graphics and User Interface Optional Package for the J2ME Platform
JSR 205 Wireless Messaging API 2.0
JSR 184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME
JSR 179 Location API for J2ME
JSR 174 Monitoring and Management Specification for the Java Virtual Machine
JSR 163 Java Platform Profiling Architecture
JSR 113 Java Speech API 2.0
Intel is enthusiastic about continuing to serve on the Java SE/EE EC in coming years,
wanting to use the company's expertise and capabilities to assist in the growth and
direction of Java technology. "On the process side, we would like to see the JCP
program continue to evolve towards being a more open and more democratic standards
organization," Wayne says.
Although Wayne serves as Intel's Java SE/EE EC representative,
that job is really a joint effort. He says an EC representative's
biggest task is the review of drafts and final specs. "The review
and guidance obligations of an EC member can be daunting -- the JCP
program is successfully creating a lot of specs! Intel has a very
large team of individuals across the company who review and comment
on drafts and final specs to aid in developing our EC voting positions.
Each of Intel's votes is reviewed by a cross-company review committee.
Our primary mission on the EC is to help ensure timely and high quality Java
technology specifications."
Wayne has found his interaction with the Java community on
EC votes and other issues to be one of the highlights of being
an EC representative. While his BA in Mathematics from the University of
Denver and MS in Computer Science from the University of Colorado have
proven useful, his BA and MA in Psychology from the University of California,
Santa Barbara, and University of Denver, respectively, "don't help a bit! I do
know a bit about infant visual perception, but that hasn't come up in the EC," he says.
Now living in Portland, Oregon, USA, Wayne's leisure pursuits
involve spending time with his wife, reading, watching obscure
movies, hiking, and swimming. If you're ever in Portland, Wayne
recommends a visit to Portland's Saturday Market, an open air arts
and crafts market just a block from the Portland's waterfront.
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