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Find out more about the latest happenings and announcements in the
JCP program by visiting the front page of jcp.org.
Some recent JCP-related news items are listed below. |
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Attend the 2006 JavaOne conference, 16-19 May at Moscone Center in San
Franciso, and hear from your colleagues, some of the best and brightest
in the industry, at the technical sessions and BOFs. Check the web site
for the latest Conference offerings and to see the JavaOne Conference
Event Connect tool -- a new way to connect with fellow attendees
In addition to the myriad technical sessions and BoF sessions discussing
technologies developed through the JCP program, there are some community
activities planned during the JavaOne Conference, especially for JCP
program members. See highlights below and some additional details.
Monday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM: JCP Program Training Session
(pre-conference day), held at The Argent Hotel. There is not a charge
for this training session, but RSVP is requested.
details on this session are available.
Tuesday 6:30 PM: Spec Lead Dinner hosted by the PMO, by invitation
only for JCP program Spec Leads and EC Members. See email invitation
from Liz Kiener at liz@jcp.org with more details. RSVP.
Wednesday 6:30 PM: Evening event hosted by the PMO in the pavilion
area of The Argent Hotel (ground floor), with food and drink provided
for all JCP program participants. Mingle with Java technology architects
known around the world--Expert Group members, Spec Leads on the most
popular Java standards, EC members, and the Chair of the JCP program.
The winners of the fourth annual JCP Program Awards will be announced at
this event. It is a unique opportunity to network with your peers--the
top Java technology experts.
Thursday 9:30 PM: BOF-2141, Develop Rich Competitive Applications for
Mobile Environments With Java ME ™Technology Standards. This BOF will
offer attendees the latest information from Java technology experts
participating in the development of Java platform standards through the
JCP program. Speakers will evoke highly technical and provocative topics
highlighting the most recent Java ME standards work aimed at creating
rich competitive applications for mobile and client side environments.
Tuesday - Thursday: JCP pod #749 in the Sun Microsystems booth at the
Pavilion. Pick up your badge ribons(s), free stuff, plus representatives
from the PMO will be on hand to talk/answer your questions.
Monday - Wednesday: Expert Group Meeting Room, The Argent Hotel. Open
to all JCP program Expert Groups to conduct face to face meetings for
their JSRs. Contact Liz at liz@jcp.org for details and to reserve a time
slot for the room.
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In interviews conducted shortly after the elections late in 2005,
representatives from the new EC members of the Micro Edition (ME) and
Standard/Enterprise Edition (SE/EE) EC, shared their thoughts about Java
technology's evolution and its future. They are unanimous in their
belief that the technology has come a long way and the combination of
teamwork and hard work will continue to make its future bright.
SE/EE Members BEA, Intel, SAP, SAS and Hani Suleiman
ME Members IBM, Nokia, Philips, Sony Ericsson and Symbian
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Summaries of JCP program Executive Committee meetings are available for
JCP program members. Most recently the February face-to-face meeting and
March teleconference meeting summaries have been added to jcp.org
(use your participant access password) for viewing.
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Did you know that the PMO offers Public Relations support to spec
leads? The JCP conducts outreach to the press with JSR news on an ongoing bi-weekly basis. If would like to
highlight your JSR, please contact Corina Ulescu at corina@jcp.org. |
- JSR 293, Location API 2.0, has been approved for development by the ME
EC. This specification defines an optional package that enables the developers to use new enhanced location-based features on the Java ME devices.
- JSR 190, Event Tracking API for J2ME, is available for Early Draft Review until 22 June.
- JSR 266, Unified Message Box Access API (UMBA-API), is available for Early Draft Review until 14 May.
- JSR 257, Contactless Communication API, has published a Proposed Final Draft.
- JSR 209, Advanced Graphics and User Interface Optional Package for the J2ME Platform, has published a Proposed Final Draft.
- JSR 256, Mobile Sensor API, has published the Final Release of the pecification.
- JSR 179, Location API for J2ME, has published a second Final Release.
- JSR 62, Personal Profile Specification, has published a Maintenance Release.
- JSR 67, Java APIs for XML Messaging 1.0, has published a third Maintenance Release.
The following JSRs are in Maintenance Draft Review.
- JSR 3, Java Management Extensions TM (JMXTM) Specification, until 24 April.
- JSR 160, Java Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API 1.0, until 24 April.
- JSR 170, Content Repository for Java technology API, until 24 April.
- JSR 181, Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform, until 1 May.
- JSR 154, Java Servlet 2.4 Specification, until 1 May.
- JSR 1, Real-time Specification for Java, until 15 May.
- JSR 927, Java TV API, until 24 April.
- JSR 216, Personal Profile 1.1, until 24 April.
- JSR 217, Personal Basis Profile 1.1, until 24 April.
- JSR 218, Connected Device Configuration (CDC) 1.1, until 24 April.
- JSR 219, Foundation Profile 1.1, until 24 April.
- JSR 118, Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0, until 1 May.
- JSR 82, Java APIs for Bluetooth, until 1 May.
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Here is how to contact the Program Office:
Expert Group (EG) Coordination: If you have an EG kick-off meeting and
would like to get an overview of the JSR 2.6 program please contact the
JSR Program Manager, Liz Kiener at: Liz@jcp.org or +1 510 550
4353. Liz is also available to facilitate face to face meetings for
your EG or help two or more EGs of related or dependent JSRs to meet.
http://jcp.org/en/jsr/proposal: to submit proposals for new JSRs.
spec-submit@jcp.org: to send in your draft and/or final specification
documents and related materials (as .pdf or Zip archive, please. Other
formats will not be posted).
admin@jcp.org: to submit Expert Group lists, in case you misplaced
your password, requests for your Member access information, updates to
your contact information.
pmo@jcp.org: to reach the PMO for general inquiries.
corina@jcp.org: to submit news items for Press & Analysts, and/or
explore further opportunities to talk to press and analysts about your
contribution to Java standards development through the JCP program.
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