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JCP Members

Click to see a current list of Java User Group JCP Members.

Below is a list of all current JCP Members, comprised of companies, organizations and individuals, organized alphabetically. Individuals appear in the list sorted by last name. Please click any letter below for a listing of all Members whose names begin with that letter:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 123


Lakshminarayanan, Vijay
Lammers, Getjan
Lanka, Chandrahas
Lanza, Jose Miguel
Lassoued, Mohamed
Lavva, Boris
Lea, Doug
Lee, Bob
Levytskyi, Bohdan
Lewing, Aaron
LG Electronics Inc.
Lieurance, William
Liferay, Inc
Likoko, Selemani
Liljeholm, Torbjorn
Lindauer, Ira
Livadas, Michael
Lobo, Joel
London Java Community
Loongson Technology Corporation Limited
Lopez, Alexis
Luck, Gregory Robert
Luna, Marcos
Lundquist, Mats
Luo, Weilue
Luzon, Ichai
