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JSRs: Java Specification Requests
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The following JavaTM Specification Requests (JSRs) have been withdrawn from the Java Community ProcessSM Program for the reasons stated.

PLEASE NOTE: These JSRs represent proposed specifications that were either not started or not completed. Those that were started, but not completed, are usually being completed elsewhere. See below for details. Note that a Java Specification Request may have been Accepted from the JSR Approval Ballot but withdrawn later.

2 Boundary-Scan API
Description: This API targeted the JavaCardTM platform so as to allow it to be usable on all available JavaTM virtual machines from the very smallest to the most sophisticated.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the submitter.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 1999-01-09
Spec Lead: Neil Jacobson, Xilinx
Spec Lead: Harold Ogle, Oracle
3 JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) Specification
Description: The JMXTM specification will provide a management architecture, APIs and services for building Web-based, distributed, dynamic and modular solutions to manage Java enabled resources.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following Maintenance Review 6.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2014-03-05
Spec Lead: Staffan Larsen, Oracle
Spec Lead: Hinkmond Wong, Oracle
7 Industrial Automation Extension
Description: The Industrial Automation specification will result in an industry standard for industrial automation that is based on the JavaTM and JiniTM technologies.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn with the consent of the Spec Lead. Difficulties in forming an expert group and reaching consensus toward a draft spec hampered the JSR's abilities in successfully navigating the community process.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2004-10-11
Spec Lead: Bruce Khavar, Cyberonix
Spec Lead: Tamsin Vantress, Cyberonix
8 Open Services Gateway Specification
Description: This JSR was going to develop the Open Services Gateway (OSG) Specification and describe an extensible Service Gateway.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn because work moved to Open Services Gateway consortium ( where the specification will be completed.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 1999-05-10
Spec Lead: Robert Mines, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
17 JAINTM ISUP Specification
Description: Requirements for a Standard Java API for ISDN User Part (ISUP), an SS7 protocol.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The Spec Lead of this JSR approached other members of the Expert Group to see if they might be interested in taking on the role of Spec Lead, but there has been no interest. This is due to the fact that industry focus has evolved/changed, and as such the original scope of the JSR is not as important to the industry as originally scoped. The Spec Lead has since left the JCP and the Expert Group has been disbanded.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-02-05
Spec Lead: Vijaya Venkatachalam, Ulticom
25 JAINTM Connectivity Management Specification
Description: The JSR is to define the Java APIs for a Connectivity Management API specification.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the submitter.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2000-11-21
Spec Lead: Rob Goedman, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
26 UML/EJB Mapping Specification
Description: This document describes a standard mapping between the Enterprise JavaBeansTM architecture and the Unified Modeling Language.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn due to lack of interest after the original Spec Lead company was acquired. New Spec Lead company has failed to find a Spec Lead who wants to drive JSR-26 to completion. Expert Group was informed of intent to withdraw JSR-26 and it supported that action.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2004-03-29
Spec Lead: Andy Dean, IBM
27 JavaTM Cryptography Extension 1.3
Description: This Specification would have enhanced the JavaTM Cryptography Extension 1.2 and made it exportable.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn before work began because the proposal describes a cryptographic system and/or a cryptographic framework whose implementation would be subject to U.S. Export Licensing requirements.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 1999-11-05
Spec Lead: Sharon Liu, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Jan Luehe, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
29 JAINTM MAP Specification
Description: The JAINTM MAP API Specification includes functionality for messaging and location service. The API may be implemented on different protocols, e.g. ETSI MAP and ANSI 41.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn due to Spec Lead's move to another company and the lack of interest from the rest of the Expert Group in driving the spec to Final Release. At the time it was withdrawn, there had been no activity in the JSR since September 2001.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-05-30
Spec Lead: S?ren Torstensson, Ericsson Inc.
33 InfoBus 2.0 Specification
Description: The InfoBus 2.0 Specification and release would have added features to the existing InfoBus 1.2 Specification that capitalize on new features found in the J2SETM Platform.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the submitter. InfoBus 2.0 is no longer under development in the Java Community Process. Please direct comments or questions about InfoBus to For information on InfoBus 1.2, see
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 1999-11-08
Spec Lead: Mark Colan, Lotus Development Corporation
39 JavaTM Servlet and JSP Performance Benchmark
Description: The specification will provide a comprehensive benchmark suite for JavaTM Servlets and JSPTM pages that exercises the key areas that impact performance of these in real life applications.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the submitter.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2001-10-02
Spec Lead: Ruslan Belkin, America Online (AOL)
42 Travel Industry Reservation Booking Foundation API Specification
Description: This intended to ease the building of applications for reservation booking in the travel industry that would cross all aspects of travel (air, car, hotel, cruise, and other travel activities).
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the submitter. Community support was not sufficient to form an expert group.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2000-06-13
Submitter: Sherry Shavor, IBM
44 Braille API Specification
Description: This API for Braille lines would have eased use of these devices and allowed faster introduction of new Braille lines in the JavaTM market by writing a driver for Braille.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the submitter. Community support was not sufficient to support an Expert Group.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2000-11-21
Spec Lead: Ramon Cabello, O.N.C.E.
49 Web Based Industrial Monitoring Framework
Description: This JSR is to develop a web based monitoring and data acquisition framework for a industrial automation application. The APIs provides cross vendor inter-bean communication means.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn as Spec Lead left the JCP and no other Expert Group member was willing to take over as Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-02-18
Spec Lead: Hiroaki Hashimukai, Yamatake Corporation
60 Building Automation Java API
Description: The goal is to develop a set of Java APIs for programmable controllers in the building automation industry.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: This JSR was originally proposed a long time ago, but failed to attract a critical mass for an expert group. After a few conference calls, the effort was abandoned.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-04-05
Spec Lead: Brian Frank, Tridium, Inc
61 Phonelets API Specification
Description: Phonelets provide developers with a simple API to package, deploy and run Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) applications in a resource and security controlled environment.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Spec Lead after 4 years with no Expert Group.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2004-04-09
Spec Lead: Marc Petit-Huguenin, 8x8
64 Financial Services Party Component
Description: This JSR is a proposal to define an Enterprise Java BeanTM (EJBTM) component interface for party information as required by the financial services domain.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the submitter. XML party components for this functionality are being developed under the Customer Profile Exchange (CPex).
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2000-08-29
Submitter: William Senn, IBM
65 Concise Object-Array Literals
Description: A minor extension to the JavaTM programming language that will support a concise notation for automatically-boxing object-array literals.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Spec Lead with the agreement of the Expert Group. The community requirements targeted in this JSR are now being addressed as part of autoboxing in JSR 201.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-07-25
Spec Lead: Gilad Bracha, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
68 J2METM Platform Specification
Description: This specification will define the next major revision of the JavaTM 2 platform, Micro Edition.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Its original purpose to define the architecture for Java ME and additional processes for building blocks are not necessary. The Community Review draft contains useful working definitions of Configurations and Profiles and useful rules for subsetting and merging APIs.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-03-22
Spec Lead: Roger Riggs, Oracle
69 Java OLAP Interface (JOLAP)
Description: JOLAP is a pure Java API for the J2EETM environment that supports the creation and maintenance of OLAP data and metadata, in a vendor-independent manner.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2012-04-16
Spec Lead: John D. Poole, Hyperion Solutions Corporation
70 IIOP Protocol Adapter for JMXTM Specification
Description: This specification will establish an IIOP based adapter for the JMXTM specification to allow CORBA clients access JMX agents.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following re-prioritization within the company, IONA could no longer commit the resources necessary to complete the specification and build an RI and TCK. In addition, IONA no longer sees a sufficient customer demand for access to JMX MBeans using CORBA clients, so IONA formed the opinion that the specification did not address a common need in the marketplace and therefore was unnecessary.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-10-23
Spec Lead: Damian McGrath, Progress Software
71 JMX-TMN Specification
Description: JMX-TMN Specification is part of the second phase of the JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) umbrella initiative. It specifies the interoperability between the Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) standards and JMX.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2001-06-18
Spec Lead: Aline Ellul, Evidian
74 Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) 1.0
Description: This JSR is to define a standard set of APIs for a subset of the Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS#1, #5, #7, #8, #9, #10 and #12).
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn as the main goals of this JSR have been achieved and delivered through J2SE and other JCP specifications.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-01-14
Spec Lead: Seema Malkani, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
81 JAIN H323
Description: H.323 defines a system for moving real-time bi-directional multimedia (video, voice, data, fax, etc.) across packet-based networks.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Due to the general absence of interest in the Community, the Specification Lead decided to withdraw the JSR from development.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-02-05
Spec Lead: Orit Levin, RADvision
83 Multiarray package
Description: This JSR proposes a package implementing true rectangular multidimensional arrays for the JavaTM platform.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: JSR-83 has shown slow progress for several years and has not generated significant industry interest or participation. With no outlook for a timely completion of this JSR, the Spec Lead decided to withdraw it.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2005-09-06
Spec Lead: Jose E. Moreira, IBM
84 Floating Point Extensions
Description: This JSR proposes extensions to the JavaTM Programming Language and Java Virtual Machine that support more efficient execution of floating point code.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Due to the general absence of interest in the community, the Specification lead withdrew the JSR.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-03-01
Spec Lead: Marc Snir, IBM
87 JavaTM Agent Services
Description: This specification defines a set of objects and service interfaces to support the deployment and operation of autonomous communicative agents.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-01-25
Spec Lead: Francis G. McCabe, Fujitsu Limited
92 Localizable Text
Description: Localizable Text is the infrastructure necessary to translate language-neutral information (in an object) from anywhere in a distributed network.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Both JSR-92 and JSR-150 address the issue of 'distributed internationalization' in the J2EE world. JSR-92 is somewhat client-centric in nature while JSR-150 attempts to provide a server-side solution. The progress of JSR-92 is rather slow, and some of the issues raised in JSR-92 can be addressed more elegantly by the technology advocated in JSR-150. The existence of two separate JSRs for the same issue of distributed internationalization can generate unnecessary confusion. Hence we feel JSR-92 should be withdrawn from the JSR space altogether. We will incorporate relevant portions of JSR-92 in JSR-150.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2005-02-08
Spec Lead: Debasish Banerjee, IBM
96 JavaTM Daemons
Description: The Java Daemon API supplies a small container framework for developing and deploying independently running services in order to fill the gap caused by different handling on existing native platforms.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Following the failed Draft Approval Ballot, the Spec Lead decided not to work on materials for a reconsideration ballot and withdrew the JSR from the Java Community Process.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-03-15
Spec Lead: Thomas Kopp, Dialogika GMBH
100 JAINTM Service Creation Environment
Description: JAINTM SCE will support and simplify the creation of portable telecommunication services delivered primarily to the JAINTM Service Logic Execution Environment, while not restricted to this class of Execution Environments.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn when the Spec Lead asked to withdraw and no one from the Expert Group was willing to become the new Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2006-12-04
Spec Lead: John-Luc Bakker, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.
102 JDOM 1.0
Description: JDOM is a way to represent an XML document for easy and efficient reading, manipulation, and writing.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-03-22
Spec Lead: Jason Hunter, Hunter, Jason
103 JAINTM User Interaction API
Description: This was intended to allow software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider-type applications using abstract primitives that hide the heterogeneity of underlying networks.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following decisions at the November 2002 JAIN meeting in Austin.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-03-21
Spec Lead: Judith Russell, AePONA
104 XML Trust Service APIs
Description: This defines a standard set of APIs and a protocol for a "Trust Service", minimizing the complexity of applications using XML Signature.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The Java world has moved on since 2001 and the need for this JSR has declined.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2009-06-11
Submitter: Anthony Nadalin, IBM
106 XML Digital Encryption APIs
Description: This JSR is to define a standard set of APIs for XML digital encryption services. This proposal is to define and incorporate the high level implementation independent Java APIs.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-05-04
Spec Lead: Bruce Rich, IBM
108 Units Specification
Description: The JavaTM units package supports programatic unit handling via an abstract Unit class, run-time checking and conversion, unit arithmetic, unit parsing and formatting, and a units database.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn after the Spec Lead left the JCP and none of the Expert Group took over as Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2004-07-23
Spec Lead: Steven Emmerson, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
111 JavaTM Services Framework
Description: Provide a specification that clearly defines the lifecycle, configuration, and management of software application services. The specification will provide a standard mechanism for assembling service components into Java server applications.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn with the agreement of the Expert Group.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-08-19
Spec Lead: Berin Loritsch, Loritsch, Berin
117 J2EETM APIs for Continuous Availability
Description: This specification defines the programming model and runtime support for implementing J2EE applications requiring continuous availability.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn with the agreement of the Expert Group.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-08-25
Spec Lead: Max Mortazavi, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
119 JAINTM SPA Integrity Management and Event Notification API
Description: The API was intended to allow software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider-type applications to maintain service intergrity and receive generic service-related events.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: With agreement from the Expert Group, the Spec Lead decided to withdrawn this JSR following decisions at the November 2002 JAIN meeting in Austin.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-02-24
Spec Lead: Anders Lundqvist, Incomit AB
Description: This develops the JavaTM Coordination and Transaction (JCAT) specification, which perceives Java Call Control (JCC) as its core package and extends it with concepts to model and control terminal capabilities.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: We see no reason to keep it as there has be no development or interest for a long time and we do not intend to further evolve the standard.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-04-05
Spec Lead: Christer Boberg, Ericsson AB
123 JAINTM Presence and Availability Management (PAM) API
Description: JAINTM SPA Presence and Availability Management API will provide Java APIs to disseminate and manage presence information securely across heterogeneous networks and applications.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn when no one was found to take over Specification Lead role. In addition, the differences between the OSA PAM and JAIN PAM specs are sufficiently small that it's not clear that the industry benefits from two specifications.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2004-03-19
Spec Lead: Jorge Lobo, Teltier Technologies
Description: The JAINTM SIP Lite API defines a high level API to the SIP stack to allow for the rapid development of applications.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn after no one on the Expert Group offered to take over the Spec Lead role. Because of the resourcing issues, Nortel had to withdraw from JSR125. Nortel was unable to provide the RI and the TCK, but believed that this is the right approach for a Proxy and small footprint SIP servers/Clients.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2006-03-14
Spec Lead: David Tweedie, Nortel
126 Distributed Page Assembly
Description: This specification defines a standard application model and architecture for distributed page assembly within the J2EE framework.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Initial discussions for the JSR 126 EG were deferred when they realized that a viable solution in the proposed direction, which is complimentary to JSR 128, required advancements in the underlying technology (Edge Side Includes). At the time, it seemed that discussion about ESI-related standards were sufficiently active that they could wait for the next version of the standard. However, those discussions seemed to stall as attentions were directed to early adoption and other topics. If ESI standards are revised at a later date, then perhaps the objectives of JSR 126 could be pursued through a new JSR.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-11-10
Spec Lead: Rajesh Agarwalla, IBM
Spec Lead: Steve Ims, IBM
128 JESI - JSP Tag Library for Edge Side Includes (ESI)
Description: The JESI tag library facilitates the use of Edge Side Include (ESI) in-markup language within JSP applications. JESI tags simplify the declaration of cacheable dynamic fragments, content invalidation and personalization.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-02-26
Spec Lead: Olga Peschansky, Oracle
132 JAINTM OAM API Specification v2.0
Description: This would have developed the JAINTM Operations, Administration, and Maintenance API v2.0 Specification, which defines a standard Interface for provisioning and managing various protocol interfaces, switching platforms, and applications servers.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The JAIN community has decided to encapsulate the management functionality for each of the JAIN protocol specifications into their own specification as opposed to encapsulating this functionality in a separate JSR.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-01-28
Spec Lead: Phelim O'Doherty, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
134 JavaTM Game Profile
Description: Defines a Java 2 Micro Edition Profile for the purposes of game development targeting high-end consumer game devices and desktops.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The Spec Lead has chosen to withdraw this JSR. It was determined that the needs of games developers were best served by moving to a pure open source model for game client technologies. This changes in strategy will allow the broadest participation by the game development community, and will focus the energies of the community on timely solutions that address a rapidly changing technology landscape. The Spec Lead wishes to thank the Java Community and the Game Developers who supported and showed interest in this effort.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-07-09
Spec Lead: Bartley Calder, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
136 JavaTM Technology for Service Providers
Description: This would have correlated JSRs targeted at next-generation service providers, documented how these JSRs fit together within end-to-end service provider networks, and introduced developers to emerging service provider network-targeted APIs.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Community support was not sufficient to support an Expert Group.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2004-03-19
Spec Lead: Mauricio Arango, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
137 JAINTM 3G MAP Specification
Description: This JSR is to develop the JAINTM 3G MAP APIs which will enable mobile applications in the 3G domain to talk to each other.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Seeing that there has been no active interest in the JAIN 3G Map APIs recently and because of lack of member contributions to the Expert Group, the Spec Lead decided to withdrawn the JSR.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-03-04
Spec Lead: Sanjiv Kapur, Hughes Software Systems
138 Performance Metric Instrumentation
Description: Specifies standard APIs for performance metric instrumentation of Java programs.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-02-26
Spec Lead: Bruce Irvin, Oracle
140 Service Location Protocol (SLP) API for Java
Description: This JSR is to standardize the Service Location Protocol Application Programmer Interface for Java as described in RFC 2614.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The Spec Lead was not doing work on the JSR. While several other organizations have done seemingly promising Java work in the SLP area, none of them was interested in taking over the spec lead position to progress a JSR on it.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2004-10-05
Spec Lead: Nick Briers, The SCO Group
Description: This JSR will specify the set of APIs common across the JAIN SPA JSRs. This will provide consistency by reducing duplication of common interfaces and classes among these JSRs.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Read the Spec Lead's explanation of the withdrawal.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-02-14
Spec Lead: Gary Bruce, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
146 WBEM Services: JMX Provider Protocol Adapter
Description: JSR-048 defines WBEM support for Java. This specification would have defined how JMX instrumentation mapped to CIM and the definition of a JMX Provider Protocol Adapter for WBEM Services.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: After a year and a half of no progress, the Spec Lead suggested withdrawing the JSR and the Expert Group did not object.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-07-14
Spec Lead: Chris Seibel, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
148 3D Media Utilities
Description: The 3D Media Utilities API specifies classes and interfaces for 3D vector operations and volumetric imaging.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: After over a year of no development, the Spec Lead suggested withdrawing the JSR and the Expert Group did not object.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-12-02
Spec Lead: Brian Burkhalter, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Kevin Rushforth, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
149 Work Area Service for J2EE
Description: The Work Area Service allows J2EE developers to set properties as application context that is implicitly attached to and made available anywhere during the processing of remote requests.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: JSR-149 had shown slow progress for several years and had not generated significant industry interest or participation. With no outlook for a timely completion of this JSR, the Spec Lead withdrew the JSR once no one in the Expert Group agreed to take over the Spec Lead role.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2005-10-26
Spec Lead: Heath Thomann, IBM
150 Internationalization Service for J2EE
Description: The Internationalization Service enables distributed localization within Enterprise Java applications by transparently propagating and managing localization information within relevant J2EE application components.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: JSR-150 had been idle for several years and the existing draft had not kept pace with changes in J2EE. The Spec Lead wished to withdraw the JSR. None of the EG members objected.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2008-10-30
Spec Lead: Charles Hornig, IBM
155 Web Services Security Assertions
Description: To provide a set of APIs, exchange patterns & implementation to securely (integrity and confidentiality) exchange assertions between web services based on OASIS SAML.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn by the JSR 155 Spec Lead due to changing industry focus and continued JSR inactivity.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-02-18
Spec Lead: Sandeep Kumar, Cisco Systems
Spec Lead: Krishna Sankar, Cisco Systems
156 Java API for XML Transactions
Description: JAXTX provides an API for packaging and transporting ACID transactions (as in JTA) and extended transactions (e.g., the BTP from OASIS) using the protocols being defined by OASIS, W3C.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-02-18
Spec Lead: Jonathan Halliday, Red Hat
157 ebXML CPP/A APIs for Java
Description: This JSR is to provide a standard set of APIs for representing and manipulating Collaboration Profile and Agreement information described by ebXML CPP/A (Collaboration Protocol Profile/Agreement)documents.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-07-30
Spec Lead: Himagiri Mukkamala, Sybase
158 JavaTM Stream Assembly
Description: TheJavaTM Stream Assembly API specifies classes and interfaces for the creation, management, and processing of broadcast and interactive stream multiplexes.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-12-14
Spec Lead: Gerard Fernando, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
159 JavaTM Process Component API (JPC)
Description: JPC would have defined a loosely coupled, event based process component model that would simplify the development of composable, customizable services.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn by the JSR 159 Spec Lead with assent from the Expert Group.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-05-05
Spec Lead: Mark Hapner, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
160 JavaTM Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API
Description: This API extends the JMX 1.2 API to provide remote access to JMX MBean servers.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following Maintenance Review 3.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2014-03-05
Spec Lead: Eamonn McManus, Oracle
Spec Lead: Simon Vienot, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Hinkmond Wong, Oracle
162 Portlet API
Description: The Portlet API specification defines an API for components being aggregated in web applications like portals. It includes portlets, portlet container behavior, portlet windows, events, persistent storage and portlet services.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Portlet API As there is very significant overlap between JSRs 162 & 167, Sun and IBM have reached a mutual agreement regarding the proposals. We have now reached a point where we feel that we have a mutually acceptable new combined JSR proposal, which we now wish to seek endorsement of from the existing supporters of JSR 162 and 167.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-01-20
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Stefan Hepper, IBM
167 JavaTM Portlet Specification
Description: This specification would have defined a set of APIs for Portal computing addressing the areas of aggregation, personalization, presentation and security.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: As there is very significant overlap between JSRs 162 & 167, Sun and IBM reached a mutual agreement regarding the proposals. They reached a point where they felt that they had a mutually acceptable new combined JSR proposal, which they then sought endorsement of from the existing supporters of JSR 162 and 167.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-01-20
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Alejandro Abdelnur, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Wesley Budziwojski, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
173 Streaming API for XML
Description: The Streaming API for XML (StAX) is a Java based API for pull-parsing XML.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Since version 1.0, JSR 173 StAX API has been distributed as both a standalone technology and part of the Java SE. The API has been stable without any significant changes since then and the need to use newer releases of the StAX API with shipping releases of Java SE has mostly disappeared in recent years.

In accordance with JCP 2.10 Process Document, Platform inclusion, we are announcing the end of JSR 173 StAX Standalone distribution. After MR5, StAX 1.4, the technology that JSR 173 defines will be delivered as a part of the Java SE solely. Future changes in the StAX API will be defined through the Platform JSR.

The subsumption of the StAX API into the Platform JSR does not change any mechanisms defined in StAX. The service provider interfaces are the same except that they will then be directly specified in the Platform JSR. Deployment of alternative implementations of the StAX APIs will continue to be supported.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-07-26
Spec Lead: Christopher Fry, BEA Systems
Spec Lead: Devasena Sagar, Oracle
183 Web Services Message Security APIs
Description: This JSR is to define a standard set of APIs for Web services message security. The goal of this JSR is to enable applications to construct secure SOAP message exchanges.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Web services security (WS-Security) has become the defacto standard to secure web services messages. Lack of a standard in Java to write to these APIs, hasn't caused any interoperability or integration issues across vendor platforms. So, this JSR was withdrawn.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2008-08-05
Spec Lead: Nataraj Nagaratnam, IBM
189 JavaTM 3D API 1.4
Description: This JSR will add new large scale funtionality to Java 3D. Possible technologies for inclusion include programmable shading and advanced rendering techniques.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The changes to the Java 3D API as originally envisioned by JSR-189 were quite significant, and were planned as part of a major API release, for which we had planned to form an expert group under the JSR. Due to changes in the nature of the project development, this effort was discontinued in 2002, a few months after the JSR was filed. JSR-189 was left open as a place-holder, but it no longer makes sense to leave it open. At the time of withdrawal, the Java 3D API was a community source project on, where all new development had happened over the past 18 months. They were actively developing the 1.4 API release with help from the Java 3D community on This release was a much more modest undertaking than was originally planned, and all new API changes are being designed with public input. As such they closed this JSR, and did Java 3D 1.4 as a maintenance release under the JCP.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2005-11-08
Spec Lead: Kevin Rushforth, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Description: The API was intended to allow software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider type applications to interact with the GCCS Service.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following agreement with the Expert Group after the decisions at the November 2002 JAIN meeting in Austin.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-03-21
Spec Lead: Judith Russell, AePONA
192 JAINTM Service Creation Environment - JavaTM PART
Description: This is the specification for the JavaTM API to support and simplify the creation of portable telecommunication services delivered primarily to the JAINTM Service Logic Execution Environment (JAINTM SLEE).
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: There had not been much progress on this JSR since quite some time. The draft was floated for Expert Group review but there was no response even after several reminders. They then decided not to go ahead with this activity and hence requested the PMO to mark this JSR 192 as WITHDRAWN.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2004-09-22
Spec Lead: Vishal Aggarwal, Hughes Software Systems
193 Client Side Container (CSC)
Description: This would have described a client-side container architecture, providing common client infrastructure, for developing API-neutral clients (Swing, AWT, Command Line). The access to J2EE-components would be fully abstracted and encapsulated.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Having noticed the many questions/concerns about this specification proposal, the submitter decided to withdraw the request.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-10-14
Spec Lead: Adam Bien, Bien, Adam
Description: This was intended to allow software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider-type applications to interrogate the location and status of a user's mobile device.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: With agreement from his Expert Group, the Spec Lead decided to withdrawn this JSR following decisions at the November 2002 JAIN meeting in Austin.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2003-02-21
Spec Lead: Jorgen Dyst, Appium Technologies AB
206 JavaTM API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.3
Description: JAXP 1.3 is the next version of JAXP, an implementation independent portable API for processing XML with JavaTM.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn following Maintenance Review 3.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2014-03-05
Spec Lead: Jeff Suttor, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Joe Wang, Oracle
207 Process Definition for JavaTM
Description: Definition of an annotated Java syntax and APIs for programming business processes in Java.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-02-26
Spec Lead: Michael Rowley, BEA Systems
210 OSS Service Quality Management API
Description: Provide an API via the OSS through Java initiative that allows telecom management applications to be developed and integrated with Java-enabled Service Quality Management Systems.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The API has been completed and contributed to TMF and there is no reason to continue with the JSR.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2012-05-23
Spec Lead: Thierry Supplisson, IBM
223 Scripting for the JavaTM Platform
Description: The specification will describe mechanisms allowing scripting language programs to access information developed in the Java Platform and allowing scripting language pages to be used in Java Server-side Applications.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn in December 2016 following the Maintenance Review.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-12-13
Spec Lead: Sundararajan Athijegannathan, Oracle
Spec Lead: Mike Grogan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
227 A Standard Data Binding & Data Access Facility for J2EETM
Description: An API and associated metadata format for declaratively binding and accessing data in J2EETM applications.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-05-02
Spec Lead: J.R Smiljanic, Oracle
233 J2EE Mobile Device Management and Monitoring Specification
Description: This JSR defines an extension of the J2EE platform for the purposes of remotely monitoring and managing the software on mobile devices.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-07-15
Spec Lead: Jens Paetzold, Oracle
237 Work Manager for Application Servers
Description: A work manager API providing for execution of concurrent work items within managed environments.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: JSR 237 has been merged with JSR 236, providing a single, consistent specification for Java EE concurrency.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2008-06-18
Spec Lead: Chris D Johnson, IBM
Spec Lead: Naresh Revanuru, BEA Systems
247 Data Mining 2.0
Description: JDM 2.0 will address requested features deferred from JDM 1.0, which focused on the data mining framework and a select number of mining functions and algorithms.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-05-02
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Mark F. Hornick, Oracle
255 JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) Specification, version 2.0
Description: This JSR updates the JMX and JMX Remote APIs for version 6.0 of the Java(TM) Platform, Standard Edition. It will improve usability of existing features and add new functionality.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: JSR 255 specified changes to* which were subsequently abandoned due to lack of resources, and were not included in the Java SE 6 or 7 Platforms. (The changes were distinct from other changes to* specified by JSRs 3, 160, and 336 for inclusion in the Java SE 6 and 7 Platforms.) It was determined in 2014 that future changes to JMX technology would be specified directly by the umbrella JSR for the Java SE Platform.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-03-24
Spec Lead: Staffan Larsen, Oracle
260 JavadocTM Tag Technology Update
Description: Defines new tags and generated Javadoc document representation aimed to increase readability, information richness, and make the Javadoc more approachable to developers learning and using the APIs.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-03-22
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Danny Coward, Oracle
261 JavaTM API for XML Web Services Addressing (JAX-WSA)
Description: The Java API for XML Web Services Addressing (JAX-WSA) 1.0 specification will define APIs and a framework for supporting transport-neutral addressing of Web services.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: All the work done under this JSR has been subsumed under JSR 224. This was conveyed to the EG at earlier instances as well and nobody objected.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2006-12-15
Spec Lead: Mike Grogan, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Arun Gupta, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
262 Web Services Connector for Java Management Extensions (JMX) Agents
Description: Defines a connector for the JMX Remote API that uses Web Services to make JMX instrumentation available remotely. Clients do not have to be Java applications, but can be.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: JSR 262 specified the API which was subsequently abandoned due to lack of resources, and was not included in the Java SE 7 Platform. It was determined in 2014 that future changes to JMX technology would be specified directly by the umbrella JSR for the Java SE Platform.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-03-24
Spec Lead: Staffan Larsen, Oracle
265 API for Utilizing Web Services Policy
Description: This specification aims to standardize a basic framework in Java for utilizing the Web services constraints and capabilities.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The standardization of policy-based metadata will continue as part of the Service Component Architecture (SCA), which will eventually provide Java-based language bindings as part of separate JSRs.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-01-28
Spec Lead: Sanjay Patil, SAP SE
Spec Lead: Umit Yalcinalp, SAP SE
267 JSP Tag Library for Web Services
Description: JSPTM Tag Library for accessing Web Services
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Lack of resources to drive this JSR, produce the RI (Reference Implementation) and TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit)- Waning interest and lack of support for this technology from the community led to the withdrawal of this JSR.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2008-02-06
Spec Lead: Dhiru Pandey, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
273 Design-Time API for JavaBeansTM JBDT
Description: This JSR extends the JavaBeans specification and APIs to improve design-time functionality for component authors to leverage within the visual design environments in IDEs.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-03-22
Spec Lead: Tor Norbye, Oracle
277 JavaTM Module System
Description: The specification defines a distribution format and a repository for collections of Java code and related resources. It also defines the discovery, loading, and integrity mechanisms at runtime.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead. Superseded by JSR 376.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-01-20
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
294 Improved Modularity Support in the JavaTM Programming Language
Description: Language extensions in support of information hiding and separate compilation.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead. Superseded by JSR 376.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-01-20
Spec Lead: Alex Buckley, Oracle
295 Beans Binding
Description: Provide an API that allows two properties of two beans to stay in sync.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Specification Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-05-02
Spec Lead: Peter Zhelezniakov, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
296 Swing Application Framework
Description: This JSR will provide a simple application framework for Swing applications. It will define infrastructure common to most desktop applications. In so doing, Swing applications will be easier to create.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the Spec Lead's request.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2011-06-06
Spec Lead: Alexander Potochkin, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
306 Towards a new version of the JCP
Description: This JSR proposes a variety of changes and adjustments to the JCP.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: This JSR was withdrawn because it is obsolete. It was replaced by two new JSRs that will develop short-term and longer-term changes to the Process Document and the JSPA. Work from JSR 306 was to be incorporated into the new JSRs as appropriate. Patrick Curran was to be the Spec Lead for these JSRs, while the Expert Group will be the current membership of both the JCP Executive Committees.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-12-16
Spec Lead: Patrick Curran, Oracle
312 JavaTM Business Integration 2.0 (JBI 2.0)
Description: JBI enables the creation of a Java business integration environment for the creation of Composite Applications. The JBI 2.0 JSR will augment it to address new requirements.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the Spec Lead's request.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2010-12-17
Spec Lead: Ron Ten-Hove, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Spec Lead: Peter Walker, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
313 JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6) Specification
Description: This JSR is to develop Java EE 6, a release of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition targeted to ship in 2008.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the Spec Lead's request during the JSR Approval Ballot.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2007-04-13
Spec Lead: Roberto Chinnici, Oracle
Spec Lead: Star Spec Lead Bill Shannon, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
319 Availability Management for Java
Description: This JSR will provide an API by which an availability management framework can supervise and control Java runtime units in order to achieve high availability.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: null
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2021-10-19
Spec Lead: Jens Jensen, Ericsson AB
321 Trusted Computing API for JavaTM
Description: Develop a Trusted Computing API for JavaTM providing selected functionality the TCG Software Stack offers to the C world, while following the conventions of modern Java APIs.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: null
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2021-10-19
Spec Lead: Ronald Toegl, IAIK Graz University of Technology
325 IMS Communication Enablers (ICE)
Description: This specification will define a high level, IMS Communications Enabler framework API that will provide Java ME based devices effortless access to a set of essential IMS Communication Enablers.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: null
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2021-10-19
Spec Lead: Martin Gunnang, Ericsson AB
Spec Lead: Niclas Palm, Ericsson AB
328 Change Management API
Description: This JSR defines an interface to Change Management Systems handling and approving Requests for Changes.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The JSR 328 was designed to assure a 'standard' in handling OSS(/J) change amangement and to tie it the other existing OSS/J JSRs. It was developed in close cooperation with our customer based on his requirements. Since our customer constantly diverges from the standards and since the proposal was dormant for a long time without any interest on the topic it makes no sense for our company to further pursue this proposal.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-04-11
Spec Lead: Christian Klaus, Ascom Deutschland GmbH
347 Data Grids for the JavaTM Platform
Description: This JSR proposes an API for interacting with in-memory and disk-based distributed data grids.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the Spec Lead's request: 'The JSR has failed to obtain sufficient interest and participation in the JCP community and has barely evolved since its inception. We are therefore requesting its withdrawal.'
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2015-01-06
Spec Lead: No Current Spec Lead, No SL Company
351 JavaTM Identity API
Description: This JSR will develop the Identity API for the Java Platform.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-07-06
Spec Lead: Ronald Monzillo, Oracle
358 A major revision of the Java Community Process
Description: This JSR will make a variety of changes and adjustments to the Java Community Process, revising the Process Document, the EC Standing Rules, and the JSPA.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: At the January 2016 meeting of the JCP Executive Committee (EC) the EC was informed that Oracle Legal had advised that no changes should be made to the JSPA or to JSR licensing models while litigation is ongoing (see the public minutes for more details).

Consequently the EC decided at the March meeting to withdraw (close) JSR 358. Another JSR ('') will be opened to work on changes that can be implemented by modifying only the Process Document, and we hope and expect that we will be able to pick up the more substantive changes that were being considered for JSR 358 as soon as the litigation is completed.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-03-30
Spec Lead: Patrick Curran, Oracle
368 JavaTM Message Service 2.1
Description: The JMS API is an API for accessing enterprise messaging systems from Java programs. This JSR is to develop JMS 2.1, the next version of the API.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-11-29
Spec Lead: Nigel Deakin, Oracle
373 JavaTM EE Management API 2.0
Description: This JSR is to update JSR 77 with REST interfaces and incorporate deployment as a standard part of the management interface.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn at the request of the Spec Lead.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2016-11-29
Spec Lead: Martin Mares, Oracle
382 Configuration API 1.0
Description: Provide applications and microservices means to obtain configuration properties through several environment-aware sources both internal and external to the application and made available through dependency injection or lookup.
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: The Specification Leads and Expert Group agreed to withdraw the JSR and move it to the Jakarta EE spec process.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2019-05-06
Spec Lead: Emily JIANG, Eclipse Foundation, Inc
Spec Lead: Mark Struberg, Eclipse Foundation, Inc
922 JavaTM Communication API
Description: Maintenance version of the Java Communication API specification,version 2.0.3
Status: Withdrawn
Reason: Withdrawn after it became clear that changes were to the implementation, not the specification.
Latest Stage:
Withdrawn Effective: 2002-12-04
Spec Lead: Vincent Zhang, Sun Microsystems, Inc.